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Reviews For Summer Story by Arnel

Sunday 13th January 2008 00:14
Summer Story
I, and I think most of the rest of the HP fans, have not been as active in the HP world since DH came out and brought canon to a conclusion. But when I had a whim to look around for recent fanfic, I found and enjoyed your article. So I thank you, and I note that this is proof that your work is still appreciated post-DH.
Sunday 13th January 2008 21:40Summer Story (Author Response)
Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm glad you have enjoyed my story so far and hope that you will keep reading as I post the next chapters. As long as there are interested readers such as yourself, I will keep writing. I appreciate your review.
Grandma Kate
Wednesday 9th January 2008 23:08
Summer Story
I enjoyed all the details of Harry's and Neville's recuperations. I am anxious to see what Healer Rodkey will add to Harry's regime.

The secret letter from Dudley added some details we wouldn't know otherwise.
Thursday 10th January 2008 15:14Summer Story (Author Response)
In the interest of moving the story forward, I'm waiting until Chapter 11 for any mention of Harry's surgery as other things must happen. Also, we'll be hearing from Dudley again in another chapter, too. I'm glad you liked the chapter. Thanks for your review.

By the way, congragulations on being the 40th review for this story. I always like reading what you have to say and appreciate the time you take to tell me what you think of my story.