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Reviews For Asleep, He Dreamed by Felix-Felicitas

Wednesday 6th February 2008 18:40
Asleep, He Dreamed
Way to go Molly! Snicker...don't get between Mrs. Weasley and her children, blood or otherwise.

On the other hand, that Healer makes me very nervous....what Healer worth their wand would have her "thin lips part in a wicked smile" or not have concern for her patient being cold or deny family comfort. Makes me wonder if she's part of Riddle's plot.

Chilling last paragraph for a well written story.
Wednesday 6th February 2008 18:39
Asleep, He Dreamed
Way to go Molly! Snicker...don't get between Mrs. Weasley and her children, blood or otherwise.

On the other hand, that Healer makes me very nervous....what Healer worht their wand would have her "thin lips part in a widked smile" or not have concern for haer patient being cold or deny family cofort. Makes me wonder if she's part of Riddle's plot.

Chilling last paragraph for a well written story.
Sunday 10th February 2008 12:13Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
Yeah, you really shouldn't mess with Molly Weasley when she's on a mission!
Wednesday 23rd January 2008 20:04
Asleep, He Dreamed
Okay - I just read both chapters and I am extremely intrigued. Poor Harry! Very nicely written and good suspense (though I am not the biggest fan of suspense - makes me all twitchy). So please reliece some of my suspense soon!
Thursday 24th January 2008 03:18Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
We appreciate you reading and reviewing, and suspense makes me twitchy too!

Look for a new chapter soon.
Wednesday 23rd January 2008 19:14
Asleep, He Dreamed
Yipers. So we have one-on-one mental combat? And poor Harry thinks everybody else is dead? That's just not on...

LOVE this line: A moment later, the Healer scurried out of the room, looking over her shoulder as if she feared the devil himself was on her heels. "That's my Mum," Ron said proudly. "Everyone's afraid of her."

Heehee! I look forward to the next chapters to see where you're going with this.
Have you read "The Very Long Night of Harry potter"? Similar idea...
Thursday 24th January 2008 03:21Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
I like that line too, Heather writes Ron and Molly well!

I've not read "The Very Long Night of Harry Potter", and, as far as I'm aware, Heather hasn't either. I've been sent a link to the story, but I'm not going to read it until Asleep ... is finished, because I'd hate to subconsciously echo it.
Wednesday 23rd January 2008 14:53
Asleep, He Dreamed
This is spellbinding - I don't know how I missed the first chapter! It's really intense and I love how it's based in Harry's fifth year. Can't wait to read more!
Wednesday 23rd January 2008 15:13Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
Thank you, we're so glad that you're enjoying it! Look for more soon, our Beta is workin'!
Wednesday 23rd January 2008 09:52
Asleep, He Dreamed
That is such an awesome story, I can't wait for you to post again! There has to be more and I can't wait for it!
Wednesday 23rd January 2008 11:57Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
Yes, there are several chapters that are already completed, so look for them soon! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing, we really appreciate it.
Tuesday 22nd January 2008 23:13
Asleep, He Dreamed
Very good... an evil cliffie! Again, I really like the format of each chapter, getting both points of view in the same chapter, and then seeing the interpretation Harry puts on his limited access to his friends and Mrs. Weasley. I'm saddened because Harry only hears heart-rending snatches, but hopefully, in time, he will regain consciousness enough to hear the rest of their loving word and know their real intent. I look forward to Chapter 3 and how it might parallel a story by Bibliophile19 called "The Very Long Night of Harry Potter".
Wednesday 23rd January 2008 11:59Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
We're glad you like the format! We weren't sure how well it would work, but it seemed the perfect method for our first co-written story, and people seem to have no problems following it.

I've not read "The Very Long Night of Harry Potter", but once this story is finished, I'll be sure to take a look.
Grandma Kate
Tuesday 22nd January 2008 22:17
Asleep, He Dreamed
What a shocker of a chapter ending.

I love Molly so much/ This certainly sounds like her-
Lost in thought, Harry shouted in surprise as Mrs. Weasley appeared right in front of him. He'd thought that Hermione was angry Ð that was nothing compared to the look on Mrs. Weasley's face. Like her son before her, she was bleeding colour with every second that she stood before him. Shaking her finger, eyes narrowed, her mute mouth was all but spitting out words, and Harry didn't need to hear them to know that they were not complimentary.

He shrunk back into the chair, trying to get away from the sheer force of the woman, watching as she disintegrated into white wisps of nothing. Once again, Harry could hear her voice just as she vanished. 'Not good enough...just let me at that DARE child...lying there...

Wednesday 23rd January 2008 12:02Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
Thank you! I love Molly Weasley to pieces, and she is so much fun to write (as I'm sure you know yourself, I've been reading your 'Ginny's ... year at Hogwarts series, and thoroughly enjoying them - and I will review, I promise!).
Tuesday 22nd January 2008 21:39
Asleep, He Dreamed
Okay. I'm hooked! First of all, this is just a really unique idea. I love the idea of writing both "realities," so we can see what's going on with Harry *and* with those around him.

For the record, I wanted to kick Snape in the first chapter. "He's asleep. Permanently." I could almost hear him saying that, and in my imagination, he did it with kind of a...gloating...tone, which contributed to my reaction above. (Of course, the fact that I'm not a Snape fan by any stretch of the imagination might have had something to do with it, too. )

The healer also deserves to be kicked. "He can't hear you." That was interesting to me, just because one of the common Muggle philosophies is that family and friends should talk to coma victims. It seems as if the magical healers are behind the times here.

So of course I cheered when Molly barged her way in there and scared the stupid healer off.

I think the most interesting thing for me about this story so far is that we're seeing what's really happening, and then we're seeing what Harry thinks is happening, and they don't match up.

This bit is especially poignant:

He jumped to his feet, overwhelmed with relief, reaching for his friends. They took a step back, moving away from his hands. 'Ron? Hermione?' He was quicker this time, Quidditch training coming to the fore, but his grab for Hermione's arm ended up with his hand going right through her.

Ron's eyes grew wide, and he began to fade away, shaking his head, the colour leaching out of him until he dissolved into a pearlescent mist, which in turn evaporated.

Hermione was a study in barely controlled anger, her mouth set in a grim line, her eyes tight, dark, glinting. She began to talk, her mouth moving, but no voice issuing from between her lips. Once upon a time, Harry would have laughed at the idea of a mute Hermione Granger, but now it scared him.

Then her expression morphed to one of extreme sadness, and she, too, began to dissipate; only then did her voice reach Harry's ears, a soft susurrus, fading in and out like its owner. 'Harry...leave you...'

She was gone, leaving behind a whisper of smoke.

Harry struggled to understand what he had just seen. Ron, scared, fearful -- of him? -- and Hermione, so angry, angrier than he'd ever seen her, both of them as insubstantial as...


His chest hurt as the realization hit home. He didn't want to believe -- couldn't believe -- that his two best friends were dead, but they were so pale, so intangible...

Given what he's seeing, what else *would* he believe?

And now we *know* Voldie has something to do with Harry's situation, which can't be a good thing.

I can't wait to read more!

Wednesday 23rd January 2008 12:04Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
Thanks, Julie! We're glad you're enjoying it, particularly as you've so kindly taken on beta duties!

It's been really challenging and interesting skewing Harry's perceptions of what is really going on.