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Reviews For Three Trips on the Knight Bus by St Margarets

Friday 13th April 2012 16:00
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
Tuesday 3rd January 2012 03:57
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
I somehow stumbled upon this fanfic and loved it! I love Harry-Ginny, and this one does good justice to their relationship. I believe JKR left a lot unsaid in the books, but she did give a lot of fodder for H/G relationship material. Quite often, I've seen writers treat their relationship poorly - making Ginny look needy or haughty. I think this fanfic really nails her character and makes it abundantly clear why Harry & Ginny work as a couple.

Also, when I started reading it, it started as a smut but ended as a nice warm, fuzzy tale. Good job!
Wednesday 4th January 2012 03:16Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
I'm glad you enjoyed it! H/G certainly have passion, but it's not the only thing they have going for them. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 11th October 2011 16:59
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
I LOLed at Ginny's binding the wallpaper into a book. Hee. And her interaction with Kreacher is priceless.

My heart broke for Harry's not being able to save the little girl, but his drunk Patronus was hilarious.

Every parent's worst nightmare . . .

LOVE this story!
Wednesday 12th October 2011 11:45Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
LOL - I tend to *say* ridiculous things when I'm mad, so I thought trying to remember a spell would be just as bad.

Thanks for reading this ooooold story. *hugs*
Saturday 4th October 2008 12:40
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
“But a daughter is going to kill me.” - As a father that's so true!!!

3 nice tales which were well written and nice to read!
Saturday 26th April 2008 11:13
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
haha very cute!! I love how this had three parts to it
and at least lily knew what to do
haha i love the ending! thats when we let her out of detention!
Tuesday 29th April 2008 13:24Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
The three parts seemed like a good way to cover a lot of time. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 22nd April 2008 19:52
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
I've read this before, but I decided to re-read it (since your work is always worth re-reading several times). However, it doesn't appear that I left a review after I read it the first time, so I will now.

I really liked this story. I liked how fiery Ginny was during the first part, with all of her interesting hexes that she was firing at Harry. I also liked how Harry took care of her and took anything she had to dish out to him, even though he wasn't really the one with whom she was angry. Another thing I really liked was Kreacher's role in that part of the story. I've often wondered what role JKR felt that Kreacher played in Harry's life, post-DH: if he served Harry happily and devotedly, or if he was still served him in a somewhat grudgin way, or if Harry freed him, etc. Since I love happy stories (at least, happy endings), I always hoped that Kreacher would end up being as he is in this story: wanting the best for Harry (and Ginny, by extension) while still having some of his own unique personality (e.g., what he said to Ginny that caused her to call him a brat). That would be my first choice. If that wasn't possible, I would prefer for Kreacher to be a free elf, or to have died when he led the house-elves' charge in the Final Battle (since he would be proud to have died doing his part to avenge his beloved Master Regulus). So, my point is that I love how you have portrayed him here: funny and a bit sarcastic, yet devoted to Harry and Ginny.

I loved the drunken Patronus image that you wrote so descriptively. It makes sense that the Patronus itself would appear quite tipsy also, if the one casting was drunk. I loved how Ginny pulled the information out of Harry (since he's always had some problems expressing his feelings when he's upset) and took care of him. Yet she was still a bit feisty, getting snappy and impatient with him here and there; the real Ginny, not the sanitized, idealized persona in which some writers seem to get stuck.

I also loved the last section of this story. Ginny was a more "in control of her emotions" mother than her own mother had been, not flying off the handle when she realized Lily had been at the Hogsmeade party.
She snapped her mouth shut. Lily wasn’t going to tell her anything if she was doing all the yelling.
I don't think Molly would have been able to control her emotions that well in the face of her child's brush with a dangerous situation. She did a wonderful job of finding out what happened in a calm way, as well as handling Harry's reaction to the news. Because she diffused the situation by tabling the conversation until the next morning, she helped Harry and Lily get to the point where they could hug and Lily could apologize to Harry for what she did. If Ginny hadn't been there, Harry's fear and anger and Lily's defensiveness about doing the right thing in the end could have made the conversation spiral into a worse place.

Finally, one of the aspects that I like the most is how Harry and Ginny talk to each other in this story, especially in the last section. They're so funny and teasing.
I thought the boys fighting constantly was the worst part of parenting,” Harry said. “But a daughter is going to kill me.”
I see that harsh punishment didn’t quash your spirit.
Is that like reverse parenting or something? Our kids are so bad, they’re locked up and now they’re safe?
We have to have the stamina to yell at Lily again in the morning.
He’s our honeymoon baby — that’s my story and I’m sticking to it
That’s when we’ll let her out of detention.
You write their relationship so well. Also, your Ginny (as in canon, also) keeps Harry from getting too dark and morose, reminding him of the other side of the situation (e.g., their earlier punishments and learning their lessons and Lily having to experience the same results of her actions). Yes, you write Ginny well: funny, level-headed, loving, but also with hints of temper (although it's more controlled as a parent).

Wonderful story (as yours always are)!
Wednesday 23rd April 2008 11:15Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
What a lovely, long review - from someone who loves Ginny as much as I do! (Both her strengths and weaknesses). I do love the H/G dynamic and I enjoyed following it through different problems in their lives. While I don't want either one of them to have any problems in their post-canon lives, it's realistic to think that they will have a few. Hopefully, nothing worse than this. Thanks for reading!
Monday 21st April 2008 13:58
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
Monday 21st April 2008 17:17Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for all of your nice reviews today. It's sweet of you to let me know you're reading!
Friday 29th February 2008 12:58
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
I've just had time to finally catch up on my reading. I loved this, it was well done. I'm not looking forward to having my little girl turn 13. I'll just have to trust that I've taught her well like Harry taught Lily. Great job!
Saturday 1st March 2008 04:57Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
I think you're right about teaching your children well. That's really the only control we as parents have in a crazy world. I'm glad that came out in this story (although a Knight Bus in real life would be nice) Thanks for reading!
Monday 25th February 2008 13:35
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
Excellent! This taps in so well with my own experience (except maybe the honeymoon baby) and made me smile. Children forget that their parents have "been there, done that" and so do the parents!

Thank you for making my afternoon brighter.
Monday 25th February 2008 16:55Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it. It's amazing how the wizarding world can contain the same problems and anxieties our world has. Just because you get rid of Voldemort doesn't mean all of your troubles don't go away. It's so true about the generations. *sigh*
Sunday 24th February 2008 07:53
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
Another wonderful story, St. Margarets. I love everything you write.
Sunday 24th February 2008 10:51Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for letting me know!
Saturday 23rd February 2008 12:00
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
I just love Harry and Ginny, and you do them so well!
Saturday 23rd February 2008 16:59Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
I love them, too! So it's good to know this story did them justice. Thanks for reading!
Friday 22nd February 2008 18:17
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
That was fabulous. I loved it. And I cringed. I have a 3 year old daughter! What am I going to do?

But really, that was just great - exactly what I was looking for this evening. You are one of the few people who can write about some of life's most traumatic, angst-filled moments without too heavy a hand - and with some humor and happiness thrown in.

Thank you!
Saturday 23rd February 2008 07:10Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
*soothes* You have time - and you probably won't have to worry about her at boarding school hundreds of miles away. So there's that.

I do think humor is necessary - not just for a story - but to keep yourself going in the dark times. I think H/G both have a gift for it. (Why they're my favorite pairing) Thanks for reading!
Aberforth\\\'s Avatar
Friday 22nd February 2008 08:24
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
How nice to see a reprise of Seraphina, even as a cat.

This was such a sweet story, especially the final piece. As the father of two grown daughters, it really brought back memories of how much you just want everything to turn out all right for them. And how hard it can be to let them find their own solutions. Perhaps we should have tried the detention until thirty option with our younger one...

As always, thanks for sharing this with us.
Friday 22nd February 2008 12:47Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
Yay! Someone remembered Seraphina!

And how hard it can be to let them find their own solutions.

This is so true - and so necessary. I'm glad the last part rang true - even if we don't have Knight Buses for our nearest and dearest.
Thursday 21st February 2008 12:19
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
Detention until 30!? poor Lily! LoL.

Excellent story.
Thursday 21st February 2008 12:46Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
LOL - well, it will feel that way to Lily. Thanks for reading!
Thursday 21st February 2008 10:18
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
YAY! Definitely one of the best post-DH one-shots I've read so far. Great job!
Thursday 21st February 2008 10:24Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it. The Knight Bus was a good way to explore different times in H/G's life. Thanks for reading!
Thursday 21st February 2008 02:15
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
Hi there, really enjoyed these short stories.

Keep writing

Thursday 21st February 2008 05:00Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
Thanks, Maritn! I have another short H/G in the works. I can't seem to stop writing.
Wednesday 20th February 2008 21:41
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
I really liked your 3 stories of the Knight Bus! Very good! You are a great writer! Keep on writing! Cheers!

Thursday 21st February 2008 04:59Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
Hee - I can't seem to stop writing. Thanks for reading.
Wednesday 20th February 2008 18:24
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
Oh bravo.
Thursday 21st February 2008 04:58Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
Wednesday 20th February 2008 15:53
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
nice story!!!
I love all your stories!!! This was really neat! It all connected together and flowed nicely
haha ncie ending love how harry didnt get a punishment and james was the silver lining
Thursday 21st February 2008 04:58Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
Hee - I think a spirited boy like James would have had an interesting start in life. Thanks for reading.
Wednesday 20th February 2008 15:31
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
Oh, I really loved this story! In lots of places it was really funny, and I liked ur take on the characters at that age. Keep it up!
Thursday 21st February 2008 04:57Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
Aging the characters was the real challenge, so I'm glad it worked. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 20th February 2008 11:03
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
Simply loved it! I've been a fan of yours for a while now, but I'm not sure if I've ever left a review. Sorry about that...I know the nail-biting of waiting for reviews all too well.

You have a very comfortable writing style, and a good handle of complementing dialogue with prose and action. I never felt like you were wasting a phrase, and that's hard to do!

I also liked the three snapshots, and your characterization, especially your Kreacher and your Lily. It's funny seeing what good things come out of mischief. Thanks for writing believable scenes, and for ones that really got to the heart of who Ginny and Harry are. Well done!
Wednesday 20th February 2008 12:40Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
Your review came at a great time! I was in the middle of a scene that was going nowhere, so it's good to know that I *can* write scenes with economy. LOL

Oh, that's all right about reviews. One indepth one will make up for a lot. Thanks for reading and for letting me know!
Wednesday 20th February 2008 10:58
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
This is such a good story!

I really enjoyed reading each of the three parts because they were all different, and each was wonderful. I like that you had the knight bus tie them all together. At first it seems obscure, but in a story like this, it really fits. I'm sure you know that better than I do considering you wrote it!

You write Harry and Ginny so well! That's actually very refreshing. And Lily was quite wonderful too. I really understand that feeling, knowing you did something wrong and dreading telling your parents... but knowing they're the place you need to go. I think we've all been there.

I also like the little allusions to James and Albus- ha, both in detention. I like to think that Harry and Ginny's kids would probably be quite the troublesome bunch... just not in the life-threatening way.

Great work! Thanks for a nice read.
Wednesday 20th February 2008 12:32Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
Oh, thanks for letting me know what worked in the story. I found Lily the biggest challenge to write since she would be H/G and a bit of something that would make her unique. The situation I put her in seemed to be the best way to highlight who she was and what the world was like post-Voldemort. (A lot like ours, perhaps)
Wednesday 20th February 2008 02:06
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
Wonderful. Perfect. Gah!

I can't describe how much I love your writing but I hope my generally loyal (some fics excepted) reviewing demonstrates it.

Honeymoon baby, *giggle*
Wednesday 20th February 2008 03:37Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
You are a very loyal reviewer and I appreciate it! Especially since my stories have been few and far between lately. Thanks for reading.
Tuesday 19th February 2008 23:10
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
Lovely work, as usual!
Wednesday 20th February 2008 03:35Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
And you're reviewing as usual. Thank you!
Tuesday 19th February 2008 22:55
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
This was wonderful and terribly funny.
Wednesday 20th February 2008 03:33Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for letting me know.
Tuesday 19th February 2008 21:59
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
Oh I love this story! It's so much fun reading about how the Knight Bus has played such an important roles in the lives of Harry and Ginny. James was a "honeymoon" baby, hm? lol Great story!
Wednesday 20th February 2008 03:32Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
LOL - well we don't "know" that - but it seems to fit his personality that he showed in the Epilogue. He's a little ahead of himself .
Tuesday 19th February 2008 21:32
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
A very nice story. I really liked the third part.
Wednesday 20th February 2008 03:31Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
It was fun to imagine H/G's kids as teenagers (and not so perfect teenagers at that) Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 19th February 2008 20:51
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
I just love this story. All of the scenes connect so well.
Wednesday 20th February 2008 03:30Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
Oh, thanks for reading it again! The Knight Bus was a such a good device to tie everything together - I don't think I could have gotten away with combining those three separate stories any other way.
Grandma Kate
Tuesday 19th February 2008 20:32
Three Trips on the Knight Bus
These three stories are so enjoyable. I think I like the last one best. I always laugh at James, the honeymoon baby.
Wednesday 20th February 2008 03:28Three Trips on the Knight Bus (Author Response)
Sherry forgot she had this story in her files, so that's why it's taken so long to be archived here. You're so sweet to read and review again.