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Reviews For Skipping to the End by St Margarets

Monday 3rd March 2008 07:20
Skipping to the End
Terrific as usual. I love the format of this story too. In this day and age, letter writing has become a lost art (with instant e-mails) so it was even better for those of us who remember writing letters.

Okay off to read the next chapter.

Chapeau to you!
Monday 3rd March 2008 15:38Skipping to the End (Author Response)
I'm glad you didn't mind the letter format - that turns a lot of readers off. But I think the extra effort in reading them does pay off with a lot of info in a fairly short time. Getting the voices right was the real challenge. Thanks for reading!
Saturday 1st March 2008 14:58
Skipping to the End
Oh Mary... this is just as lovely as it was back when I first read it. And the ache for Fred and Remus and Tonks still hurts. Why did they have to tell JKR to write'em like that? (have you read Hazel's post party post?) And I can SO figure you sitting like Kathleen, plotting and writing and never skipping ahead, because that would be cheating... *hugs*
Sunday 2nd March 2008 06:05Skipping to the End (Author Response)
LOL - I am like that - I don't get my fluffy dessert until I eat my veggies of plot and conflict. Thanks for reading this again! *hugs*
Aberforth\\\'s Avatar
Friday 29th February 2008 19:41
Skipping to the End
What an epistolary gem! I loved the format, and you did a nice job of maintaining several levels of tension between Charlie and Kathleen. Her letters, for all she dances around the matter, offer eloquent testimony to the kind of fear that she feels for Charlie, for Tonks, Teddy and Remus, and just as a result of the uncertainty of living in Lord Voldemort's Britain.

Charlie packs a lot into his few sentences, doesn't he? I especially liked his last letter. With but the one, it wasn't hard to read between the line(s), was it?

You are normally so strong at dialog; it was a nice surprise to see you attempt something different with this exchange of letters. I thought both characters came through clearly and that you gave us about the right level of detail to lay out the story.

Thanks for sharing this with us. It was a real pleasure to read.
Saturday 1st March 2008 04:55Skipping to the End (Author Response)
I do like the letters format because you can pack in so much information in very little page space. I thought I'd try it for this pairing, since it seemed to fit the spirit of sacrifice and hope in DH and would allow me to show the progression of their relationship. The real challenge was writing Charlie since he's not a well known character *and* I had to figure out his writing style. I think all of the Weasleys are intelligent, so I did give him a command of the language - I just didn't want him to be too eloquent. Thanks for reading!
Friday 29th February 2008 12:11
Skipping to the End
Lovely as always. Your writing always brings a bit of sunshine to the day.
Friday 29th February 2008 12:52Skipping to the End (Author Response)
I'm glad to hear it! Sunshine in the winter is often severely lacking around here. Thanks for reading!
Friday 29th February 2008 11:31
Skipping to the End
Loved it! I can't wait for more. Update soon!
Friday 29th February 2008 12:51Skipping to the End (Author Response)
The second part is ready to go - so it shouldn't be long! Thanks for reading.
Friday 29th February 2008 08:26
Skipping to the End
Friday 29th February 2008 09:01Skipping to the End (Author Response)
Hope the second part gets just as high of a score! Thanks for reading!
Thursday 28th February 2008 15:48
Skipping to the End
He is much happier with someone. *nods*

Now, I wonder how I should 'thank' you for the brown eyes. *evil grin* Maybe I'll write an Auror Ron story.
Thursday 28th February 2008 16:02Skipping to the End (Author Response)
Poor Ronnie - then he has to shopkeep on top of it all. At least we know he has blue eyes!
Thursday 28th February 2008 14:23
Skipping to the End
Aw I love this story. I remember reading in on your journal and when I saw you uploaded it here I just had to read it again. So sweet and adorable! I'm so upset that JK ended up making Charlie a lifetime bachelor.. so I love reading this story!
Thursday 28th February 2008 15:22Skipping to the End (Author Response)
It's sweet of you to read this again! I'm glad it was still enjoyable. I'm happy with my AU Kathleen/Charlie. He's much happier with someone. *nods*

Thursday 28th February 2008 14:08
Skipping to the End
Did I ever thank you properly for writing him with brown eyes in this story?
Thursday 28th February 2008 15:21Skipping to the End (Author Response)
LOL - I think you thanked me for many things in this story, but brown eyes wasn't one of them.
Thursday 28th February 2008 13:22
Skipping to the End
Very interesting and touching. Eagerly awaiting part 2.
Thursday 28th February 2008 15:20Skipping to the End (Author Response)
Part II is written and ready to go! Thanks for reading!
Thursday 28th February 2008 11:14
Skipping to the End

I tried to read this as if I'd never read it before. It still makes me so happy. And much as I adore Part II, I'm really glad you gave us Part I as well. It's so much fun watching them learn to read between each other's lines.
Thursday 28th February 2008 11:43Skipping to the End (Author Response)
LOL - you really didn't have to read this again! I'm glad you still like it after all of this time. Part I is necessary since it establishes that Charlie has brown eyes - I mean - it sets the scene and shows us why Charlie must spirit Kathleen away with him!
Thursday 28th February 2008 10:04
Skipping to the End
I told myself no new stories because I have a huge list of ongoing stories I am reading that are all getting jumbled in my head. Of course I always just peak at new stories when the title gets my curiosity and when I saw the letters format I could not help myself. I love the letters because it gives a more intimate peak into the people writing them. Great job on this story I just have to add it to my list.
Thursday 28th February 2008 10:15Skipping to the End (Author Response)
Hee - there's only two parts, so you're not on the hook for anything too long. The second part should be up soon! Thanks for reading!
Thursday 28th February 2008 07:27
Skipping to the End
I love the letters. They're a great way to convey the friendship between Charlie and Kathleen. However, depending on how Part II shapes up, I see no reason for Charlie not to be involved with women; even with JKR's family tree showing that Charlie never marries I have never seen him as someone who is celebate! My theory is that he look for the ideal woman and never found her because she would have to be as dragon-crazy as he is as well as someone just like his mother! That's a tough pigeon-hole to fit into because it seems likely that he would find one but not the other in the women he went out with. Also, if he's as dedicated a Dragon Keeper as I think he is, his life is fairly solitary and full of other males instead of a mixed group!

Anyway, this is a terrific story and I'm really looking forward to seeing how it all pans out.
Thursday 28th February 2008 07:58Skipping to the End (Author Response)
Hee - since Im a fluff writer, I think you can guess how this story turns out. I did write it way before JKR's intereview, so I'm not being purposefully contrary - just AU from interview canon. And you're right - it would take a special someone to marry a Dragon Keeper! Thanks for reading!
Thursday 28th February 2008 02:07
Skipping to the End
I love it! So much. *grins happily* You have this way of making me love your OCs. Anyway, Charlie is only single cause JRK didn't know about Kathleen.
Thursday 28th February 2008 04:59Skipping to the End (Author Response)
Yes! If only JKR knew, she would see that Kathleen is perfect for him. Thanks for reading!
Thursday 28th February 2008 01:55
Skipping to the End
This was so amazing and there were so many little hints and details that it would take ages to name them all. Little jokes and sprouts of humor like only you can do. I don't review often but this was defenately worth it. I don't think there are enough stories out there about the weasley brothers and I do love your Charlie, why can't I find a bloke like him LOL. I eagerly await the next part. Thanx Collinda

PS: Sorry to read about your decision not to write Ron the Builder 'cause I would have loved it. Your caractherasation of Ron & Hermione is brilliant but I do understand.

Thursday 28th February 2008 04:58Skipping to the End (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it! I didn't know how many readers would have patience for the letter format, but it seemed the easiest way to follow the DH structure and still get into the heads of these characters.

I did write the ending of Ron the Builder and put it on my journal. I did it so I could have some closure about that story. You can read it here:

Comments welcome!

The second part of this story is my favorite of all the scenes I wrote last year. I think you'll like it.
Wednesday 27th February 2008 23:06
Skipping to the End
I love your stories. You're always so clever, and I think this time you've outdone yourself. Looking forward to part 2.
Thursday 28th February 2008 04:55Skipping to the End (Author Response)
Part II is my favorite thing that I wrote last year - very romantic. Thanks for reading!
Grandma Kate
Wednesday 27th February 2008 22:39
Skipping to the End
Oh St Margarets, this is such a treat to read. You write Kathleen and Charlie so well. It is amazing how much information you can pack into their letters.

I laughed out loud at this-
You have her brown eyes.

No pigment of girlyswot's imagination in this story.
Thursday 28th February 2008 04:54Skipping to the End (Author Response)
LOL - I do love the blue/brown "feud" with Ros. We're like the fairy godmothers in Sleeping Beauty.
blue artemis
Wednesday 27th February 2008 21:28
Skipping to the End
That was really cool. I love Charlie.
Thursday 28th February 2008 04:52Skipping to the End (Author Response)
I love Charlie, too! And he must be shipped!