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Reviews For Marauders Redux by jncarlin

Silver Phoenix
Monday 9th June 2008 21:46
Marauders Redux
This was a delight to read! I love the way that you've portrayed Remus and Tonk's friendship, Tonk's attempts at flirtation, and Remus' utter obliviousness. I especially enjoyed the line of questioning:

"And do you agree that werewolves are more likely than average wizards to suffer frequent injuries, requiring the copious use of healing potions and salves which further drain their already meager financial resources?"

Cute, funny, and cleverly written. I'll continue reading for sure.

Wednesday 12th March 2008 17:27
Marauders Redux
Gee, Remus. We'd think you'd be a teensy-weensy bit smarter than that, ya know!
Ah, well. Boys will be boys.
Monday 17th March 2008 16:09Marauders Redux (Author Response)
He'll wise up eventually. The next chapter is now up.
Tuesday 11th March 2008 13:53
Marauders Redux
clueless warewolves are fun. you made the first chapter make me want a second.
Great Job!
Monday 17th March 2008 16:09Marauders Redux (Author Response)
I'm glad you thought it was fun. The next chapter is now up.
Friday 7th March 2008 10:16
Marauders Redux
lol. Poor remus, so hopeless. lol! Poor tonks, poor, poor tonks.
Monday 17th March 2008 16:08Marauders Redux (Author Response)
Glad you liked it. A new chapter is now up.
Grandma Kate
Thursday 6th March 2008 10:43
Marauders Redux
Clueless, but not hopeless, if he keeps smelling vanilla spice.
Monday 17th March 2008 16:07Marauders Redux (Author Response)
Definitely not hopeless. A new chapter is now available.
Thursday 6th March 2008 08:24
Marauders Redux
i can't wait for an update! This is so cute. I loved Tonks teasing Remus. It was great.
Monday 17th March 2008 16:04Marauders Redux (Author Response)
I'm glad you're enjoying it. The next chapter is now available.