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Reviews For I Saw My Lady Weep by Worldmaker

Thursday 23rd April 2009 16:38
I Saw My Lady Weep
I miss Dumbledore I always loved his sense of humor
Wednesday 9th July 2008 22:28
I Saw My Lady Weep
nice chapter!
these are awful short ones lol
Thursday 26th June 2008 19:27
I Saw My Lady Weep
Oh, this is a very satisfying chapter - I enjoyed seeing Harry trying to explain in more detail to Ginny and McGonagall what happened in the forest.
"I don't know if anyone would ever call his mind the most organized... he loved mischief too much, I think." McGonagall smiled, but it was a sad sort of smile. "I always envied his sense of humor, you know."

This is so insightful and spot-on - excellent ending to the chapter!
Saturday 14th June 2008 08:39
I Saw My Lady Weep
"This wizard had robbed a jeweler. The Aurors could prove the wizard did it, but they never found the gold and jewels he had stolen. He was convicted anyway and sent to Azkaban for a year. While there, he received a letter from his wife that read "Dear husband, I've decided to plant cabbages in the back garden. When would be the best time to plant them?" The wizard sent his wife back a letter that read "Darling wife, don't dig in the back garden, because that's where I hid all the treasure I stole."

"A week later he receives another letter from his wife that reads "Dear husband, you wouldn't believe what happened. No more than a day after I got your note, a team of Aurors came, and they dug up the entire back garden." So the prisoner wrote another letter back: 'Darling wife... now is the best time to plant the cabbages."

Thursday 29th May 2008 08:03
I Saw My Lady Weep
Aaah... But I was right about the 70 thing!
Wednesday 26th March 2008 11:14
I Saw My Lady Weep
So sad - the idea of McGonagall gone. I'm hoping she changes her mind. Very pleasant chapter.