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Reviews For Meddle by melkior

Thursday 26th June 2008 12:12

There's nothing else to say.
Thursday 26th June 2008 14:37Meddle (Author Response)
Thank you. I'm glad you like it.
Friday 28th March 2008 15:32
Hi! What an unusual and devious plotline you have! I'm intrigued and will be following this story. I wonder what will happen when they see each other at Kings Cross? Will the recognition be instant? Will they start talking to each other in dreams?
I like the idea that Love intervenes where Fate is unusually harsh. Will Death make an appearance also?
Keep going! You have away wiht words. I especially liked the first few paragraphs of your story - the phrasing and word choice was excellent.
Friday 28th March 2008 15:36Meddle (Author Response)
I'm happy to hear that you consider my plot-line to be original. That's something rather hard to accomplish these days. You raise some interesting questions and some of them could be answered rather soon.

Oh, and hearing that I have a way with words is a big compliment to me, as English is not my first language. Thank you for reviewing!
Friday 28th March 2008 14:30
this was a great start to the storie and i can't wait to see the next chapter
Friday 28th March 2008 15:17Meddle (Author Response)
Thank you. Apparently, you should see the next chapter in two days or so.
Friday 28th March 2008 12:40
it was finally time to add a new element to the connection She was forging between the two children.

Can't wait to find out what that new element is! Thank you for the story, I'm intrigued.
Friday 28th March 2008 13:21Meddle (Author Response)
Oh, the next chapter should answer that one. Mostly. Thank you for reviewing.
Friday 28th March 2008 10:24
Very interesting start. I look forward to where you take us. Great job!
Friday 28th March 2008 10:29Meddle (Author Response)
Thank you. I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the ride. Thanks for reviewing.
Thursday 27th March 2008 23:54
wickedly captivating, more please
Friday 28th March 2008 10:26Meddle (Author Response)
Thanks. More will be posted soon.
Thursday 27th March 2008 22:47
This was fantastic. Please do continue.
Friday 28th March 2008 10:24Meddle (Author Response)
Thank you. I hardly plan to stop.
Wolf\\\'s Scream
Thursday 27th March 2008 19:48
Interesting start; well done so far. I look forward to see what you will do with the story.
Friday 28th March 2008 10:17Meddle (Author Response)
Thank you. I hope you'll find the rest as interesting. Thanks for reviewing!
Thursday 27th March 2008 19:06
wait- two things I forgot.
#2're the person who just wrote that awesome story about bun-bun? Sweet.
Friday 28th March 2008 10:09Meddle (Author Response)
First review indeed.

Yes, I am. Same person, different personality though. And just to make a point, I started working on Meddle months before I decided to do anything to Bun-bun.
Thursday 27th March 2008 19:05
lol. I Just happen to LUV Stories with H/G Soul-Bondie things. Only if they are written well however! Prolouge is conivincing. You will write a good story. Probably.
The_Critic Gives an order for more!
Friday 28th March 2008 10:06Meddle (Author Response)
I will write a story. Be it good or bad, I'll let you judge it. How's that?
More is on the way. Thanks for reviewing.