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Reviews For Visiting Arthur by Arnel

Thursday 6th May 2010 11:24
Visiting Arthur
Very nice interlude!
snuggle the muggle
Tuesday 7th October 2008 11:20
Visiting Arthur
I just wanted to let you know that someone has rec’d your story and I have posted a link to it in the new HP LJ community, or Harry Potter Missing Moments, as well as its search site. Your story fits nicely into canon and makes a nice addition to our archives. Please feel free to come over and take a look at what we are doing and your entry (posted under "Devastation" and "Dogs of War"). We are a small group at the moment, but we hope to get your story some new readers and some new reviews as we grow.
Monday 26th May 2008 18:39
Visiting Arthur
I really liked this. I like to think that Percy was not totally cold and unfeeling toward his family throughout their rift ... your story illustrates how being the person in the wrong is just as difficult as it is for those they have wronged.

And if understand that garbled thought, good for you.

Anyway, thanks for this little tidbit.
Monday 26th May 2008 23:15Visiting Arthur (Author Response)
I absolutely understand. That's partially why I wrote the story. The other part is because I knew that Percy has been raised by Molly Weasley who raises her children "right", so that they care about each other and their family as a whole no matter what comes between them. Thanks for your insightful review.
Wednesday 21st May 2008 07:23
Visiting Arthur
Aww, nicely done, Arnel. He's still a knucklehead - but he's a Weasley knucklehead. I very much like the idea that he DID come and check on Arthur rather than just ignored it. And I always love Arthur, so the idea that he knew and told the Healer to be nice to his son just hits my mushy spot. I think you nailed both Arthur and Percy wonderfully.
Wednesday 21st May 2008 12:54Visiting Arthur (Author Response)
Thanks, Melinda. I'm really glad you like what I did with the story. Back in 2003 when I wrote the first part , I had the feeling that deep down Percy still *did* have positive feelings for his father because Molly had ingrained the importance of family into all her sons... even the family knucklehead. I'm glad I was able to hit your mushy spot; parents like Arthur and Molly always know their children best and even though Percy had said some very hurtful things, Arthur had forgiven him by the time of the visit. He's just that sort of father.
Tuesday 20th May 2008 21:46
Visiting Arthur
Hi Arnel!

Nicely done! I think you captured the character of Percy very well here. He's still one of my least favorite characters in the series, but he was never truly evil. Still, he deserved the Christmas hexing he got from Ginny and his brothers.

Anyway, great story. Thanks for sharing.
Wednesday 21st May 2008 03:23Visiting Arthur (Author Response)
Thanks, George! I'm glad you liked the story. It was one of the first ones I wrote after OotP came out and when I discovered I had not posted it her on PS I decided to give it some closure. Aggiebell, my beta, thinks I need to expland on what happened during the time between the first and second parts of the story. I'm seriously thinking about writing the companion piece after I finish "Summer Story." Thanks for reminding me that Ginny, Fred and George hexed Percy at Christmas during HP. That definitely must be included in the next story. Thanks for reviewing.
Tuesday 20th May 2008 08:42
Visiting Arthur
Hi Arnel!

First off, I want to tell you that I loved this story. It's always interesting to read things from Percy's point-of-view. He's quite the character. I loved it.

Second, I wanted to say how sorry I am for not getting the chapter that is still sitting on my other computer all done and ready to get back to you. I haven't forgotten you my power cord is broken and making (as my daughter puts it) lightening noises. We haven't been able to get a new one yet. I'm hoping it will be soon. So I'm sorry, and I just wanted you to know. I can't wait to get back to work.

again, wonderful little piece. Great job!
Tuesday 20th May 2008 21:07Visiting Arthur (Author Response)
I'm so glad you like the story. I wrote the first part about a month after OotP came out because I wondered if Percy could really stay away. His attitude was fun to write and when he received several pages of press in DH, I knew I had to give my story its own closure. Thanks for reviewing.
Monday 19th May 2008 11:30
Visiting Arthur
The story was really nice. It's awesome to hear something from Percy.
Monday 19th May 2008 11:40Visiting Arthur (Author Response)
Thanks. My beta wants me to expand on what went on between the first and second parts of the story to show how Percy eventually came to tumble out of the tunnel into the Room of Requirement. I'm seriously thinking about meeting that challenge.
Monday 19th May 2008 02:00
Visiting Arthur
This is very well done. Thank you for filling in some more of the gaps in DH. I appreciate all of the writers that add so much to the Harry Potter Universe. Thanks for writing. I look forward to more of your stories. p
Monday 19th May 2008 10:32Visiting Arthur (Author Response)
Patches, it's always nice to hear from you. I'm glad you liked the story. I'm working really hard to get Summer Story finished at the moment so that all those little plot bunnies emerging from DH can have their chance to find themselves turned into real stories soon. Until then, thanks for your review.
Saturday 17th May 2008 21:32
Visiting Arthur
I'm here via GrandmaKate's rec and I like this thoughful version of Percy. Percy is a very troubled young man trying to do the right thing just in all the wrong ways but he gets it right in the end when it counts. I'm so glad JK gave him a chance to reconcile with everyone before she ripped our hearts out killing Fred.

I like the thought that Percy thought he was being clever but his father knew all along that he had been to visit and check up on him. Parents know their children (faults and all) better than anyone.
Monday 19th May 2008 00:55Visiting Arthur (Author Response)
I'm so glad you followed Grandma Kate's recommendation and read my story. I happen to agree with all your points about Percy and tried to convey that in the second section. I appreciate the time you took to comment on the story.

Saturday 17th May 2008 10:42
Visiting Arthur
An excellent one shot. Heartwarming and thorough.
Monday 19th May 2008 00:51Visiting Arthur (Author Response)
I'm really glad you think so. I like to explore the minor characters' ideas and when they act a certain way that touches my heart, I know I can write something that others will appreciate, too. Thanks for your comments.

Saturday 17th May 2008 09:12
Visiting Arthur
his own resentment and the self-imposed estrangement were still new and still hurt even after all these months

What matters most is that you came back

Aw, Arnel that was lush! Made me cry!
Monday 19th May 2008 00:48Visiting Arthur (Author Response)
I'm so glad the story had such a profound impact on you. It's nice to see which lines made that impact, too. Thanks for reviewing.

Saturday 17th May 2008 09:06
Visiting Arthur
Super story Arnel! It really shows that Percy was always a Weasley, just a misguided one for a time.

The one thing that surprised me was in the author's make comma misakes?
Monday 19th May 2008 00:46Visiting Arthur (Author Response)
Takon, you'd be so surprised at how many extraneous commas either get put in, or more commonly, get taken out. I'm glad you liked the story. Thanks for reviewing.
Saturday 17th May 2008 08:42
Visiting Arthur
nice story!
dang! percy had some crazy thoughts!!
Monday 19th May 2008 00:44Visiting Arthur (Author Response)
Thanks for your comments. I'm glad you liked the story. And yes, when it all comes down to it, Percy's attitude did generate some really outrageous thoughts.

Grandma Kate
Saturday 17th May 2008 08:27
Visiting Arthur
What a positive 'Missing Moment' in Percy's life! Actually, two of them... if you count the conversation between Percy and his father right before the Battle of Hogwarts. You do a wonderful job of expressing what Percy is thinking.

It is sheer coincidence that my chapter of Molly's reactions to what happens at the same time is waiting in the queue right now. They may turn out to be cheek by jowl at this site.

Monday 19th May 2008 00:43Visiting Arthur (Author Response)
I'm so glad the posting of our chapters coincided! Just think... two completely different perspectives on the same OotP chapter! We're definitely giving the readers a nice overview of the situation from all corners.

I'm really glad you like the story. When the inspiration hits, Percy's snootiness is a lot of fun to write.

Thanks for reviewing, Arnel