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Reviews For The Letters of Summer by Kokopelli

Thursday 7th July 2005 14:23
The Letters of Summer
Awesome chapter! I love Harry's interactions with Tonks. Very amusing!
Friday 28th January 2005 09:23
The Letters of Summer
Great idea, those passboxes.
Wednesday 12th January 2005 10:52
The Letters of Summer

I like you starting with Harry doing all these chores. JKR doesn't really show us how he's been treated like a servant even though she has said little things about it.

I think the Tonks in skimpy clothes, while fun, was a bit much. Were they just trying to see if he was straight? I don't think it was just to see if he was depressed as any girl dressed like that is bound to kick any straight man right out of his blues. But so will alot of things. This was a bit over the top.

I loved the passbox idea with the blood seal. This was a great foreshadowing of how original you other ideas were going to be.

"dressed like a refugee" this is a good description of how he looks in Dudley's old clothes. I must be slow, I never got that impression from the books and it is past time he started thinking of how to dress and look. I guess he was preoccupied.

The Tonks as Harry then Harriet the Tramp was so funny! This was a really great bit and one I'll mark as my favorites! 

So far the story is good.

Wednesday 12th January 2005 11:04The Letters of Summer (Author Response)
I've taken a few hits for the Tonks without brassiere scene.  The purpose of any scene is either to advance the plot, or reveal something abou the characters, and I was working on both.

As someone who's dealt with depression, believe me, a truly depressed bloke will not have much of a response to a pretty girl.

Monday 15th November 2004 17:48
The Letters of Summer
A minor comment: a funeral is a service with the body present.  Without a body, it is called a "memorial service."