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Reviews For Furious Angels by Worldmaker

Monday 26th October 2009 12:52
Furious Angels
hahahahahahah awesome!
Monday 27th April 2009 18:48
Furious Angels
Oh snap! Lmao!! Wow. This, will certainly be one hell of a read!
Friday 3rd October 2008 13:53
Furious Angels
Wow oh wow, this is definatly going to be good!

10 year old Ginny calling Milly an old hag!!!! OMG!

Friday 20th June 2008 15:52
Furious Angels
Ooh, wonderful!
Love Flitwick and Dumbledore there--the Muggle outfits were phenomenal!
And Molly's and Arthur's reactions were priceless. But most cosmically funny was Ginny cussing out her mum, and calling her a jealous hag
I love that Ginny has a vague recollection of Harry giving her the ring.
Keep up the great work!
Friday 13th June 2008 08:59
Furious Angels
"OH, ARTHUR! SHE CAN'T BE PREGNANT! SHE'S NOT EVEN ELEVEN YEARS OLD!" From the kitchen came the distinct sounds of a twelve year old boy choking on his morning pumpkin juice.

Arthur tried to figure out the best way to tell his wife, and then decided to just jump into it. "Er... No, not exactly, Molly... I don't think she's had time to get to that point yet, seeing as she's only just been married this morning..."

Allow me to say that you should have left it at that point. It reduced me to the most unrefined sniggers.