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Reviews For Furious Angels by Worldmaker

Monday 26th October 2009 22:31
Furious Angels
huh thats hilarious lol
what honour debt though?
Tuesday 20th October 2009 05:09
Furious Angels
Ooh, this is SO good. I love it
Monday 27th April 2009 20:10
Furious Angels
Wow, that went so differently. I wonder, if someone still got the diary, and more importantly (to me) if Dobby will still be freed.
Saturday 4th October 2008 08:00
Furious Angels
I love the way you get yourself into the thought patterns of a 10-11 year old, not sure my memory's that good lol.

Loved the ending, with the satisfaction of the honor debt. What I do find strange is Hermione's behaviour, she's never met inny before yet she embraces her like she had the Hermione memories, intreging!!!!

Liked how you worked BOTH Rita & Umbridge into the story, both showing how nasty they really are. Nice touch about Lockhart as well.

I noticed the diary wasn't mentioned, so that Horcrux is still out there!

Saturday 12th July 2008 23:08
Furious Angels
Special naked hugs in bed--
Freakin' hilarious!!! That part made me laugh hysterically out loud.
Do we get to find out about the cup that McGonagall gave to them?

The Alarm Charm on the pajamas and the door being taken off was a brilliant shot at the Meaning of One Part One and Part Two. Very funny. I love those stories.

It's very interesting that they are remembering things as they go, the parts that are becoming relevant to what will be happening are showing up in their head.
The idea of Lockhart being a deatheater is hilarious. That made me laugh too, and Harry buying the brooms for the other three teams is great too.
Interesting interaction between Malfoy and Harry.

Good work.
Wednesday 9th July 2008 04:30
Furious Angels
Oh, wonderful. I just about died laughing at the special naked hugs in bed! What a great euphemism! I can just see it now: "But I don't understand why we're going to have a baby!! We weren't in bed when we hugged naked!!"
Anyway, it's fun to see the little bits of premonition showing up in Harry's and Ginny's life, allowing them to change some things.
Wednesday 9th July 2008 04:29
Furious Angels
Oh, wonderful. I just about died laughing at the special naked hugs in bed! What a great euphemism! I can just see it now: "But I don't understand why we're going to have a baby!! We weren't in bed when we hugged naked!!"
Anyway, it's fun to see the little bits of premonition showing up in Harry's and Ginny's life, allowing them to change some things.
Wednesday 9th July 2008 04:28
Furious Angels
Oh, wonderful. I just about died laughing at the special naked hugs in bed! What a great euphemism! I can just see it now: "But I don't understand why we're going to have a baby!! We weren't in bed when we hugged naked!!"
Anyway, it's fun to see the little bits of premonition showing up in Harry's and Ginny's life, allowing them to change some things.
Monday 7th July 2008 08:01
Furious Angels
OH that was AWESOME. I really like where you are going with this and can't wait to see how things work out.