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Reviews For Unbreakable Bonds by Felix Felicis

Tuesday 15th September 2009 19:21
Unbreakable Bonds
Why in the world was Snape administering a Charms N.E.W.T.?

Maybe I don't understand. The Teacher didn't want him to leave to go help Ron. But Harry had been spending only a couple of days at a time with the Teacher. So, why was it a bad thing for him to leave a bit early?

Anyway, I absolutely love Ginny making toast for Harry every day. That's the perfect touch.
Tuesday 30th September 2008 18:38
Unbreakable Bonds
I felt like I was re-living my final exams reading this - not an altogether pleasant experience, but you did well to create such a strong sense of atmosphere.

A very interesting chapter - I'm glad you mixed some action in amongst the exams to keep it from being to dry (the Transfiguration exam was particularly entertaining, and 'huzzah!' for Harry for doing so well in Potions!!)

I like the way that Harry is gradually becoming aware of his feelings (whatever they may be) for Ginny. I think it's much more realistic and certainly more in character that it takes some time for him to come around, rather just waking up one morning and realising "gosh darn it I'm in love!"

I must say I'm glad that after all these years, Harry and Ron have finally learnt the benefits of hard work and study where schoolwork is concerned. I hope they're justly rewarded for their committment!
Monday 22nd September 2008 06:13
Unbreakable Bonds
There's something hinky with the formatting for this chapter, it's much smaller than the others and gives me a headache trying to read it. (And before you ask, yes I could adjust the size in IE, if I were willing to spend the rest of the day telling the stupid thing to go back the way it was before...)

Shame, it's a good chapter...
Sunday 20th July 2008 08:13
Unbreakable Bonds
Another well written chapter.
Sunday 13th July 2008 01:12
Unbreakable Bonds
Great chapter! Poor Harry's never going to get the girl because he's too noble. I almost want Ginny to make the first move, he could never turn her down then. I'm very curious to see where our characters are going to go now that they've finished their exams. Hopefully you'll have it up before I go on vacation, too expensive to pay for internet out of country. I loved Ginny hexing Draco and Harry essentially giving her the power to do so. Oh, and all of Ginny's remembrances that sort of freak Harry out. I'm kind of like that in a way, I have a very good memory and it does freak people out =). And Harry changing his hair to Ginny, well if he doesn't tell her, someone else in that class will!! Keep up the great work!
Tuesday 15th July 2008 19:29Unbreakable Bonds (Author Response)
Hey! Thanks for continuing to read and review. While I appreciate all reviews, you are always good about giving enough feedback so I can really see what people think!

Hah! I think you're right, if Ginny made the first move, Harry wouldn't be able to hold himself back. As for his attack on Malfoy, you got a glimpse of a side of Harry that will prove very important later on in the story It's up to my beta when to post the next chapter so I hope you get to read it before you go away. If not, then you'll have lots to catch up with when you return!
Saturday 12th July 2008 16:19
Unbreakable Bonds
This is a very good chapter. I really like the increased thoghts Harry is having about Ginny. The fact that he changed his hair to match Ginny's was great. It is surprising that Ron is the one that mentioned it! Ron is right. Harry does fancy Ginny but he doesn't want to admit it even to himself. The NEWT exams were great and Snape was very predictable. I am so glad Harry's spider survived. I look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. p
Tuesday 15th July 2008 19:24Unbreakable Bonds (Author Response)
Hey, Patches! Thanks for the review. You'll continue to see Harry's thoughts as he struggles to define his relationship with Ginny. He's really not sure what she represents right now and he certainly doesn't want to let her into his life as he has so many others, then lost them. Thanks for reviewing so consistently, I always look forward to reading your reviews!
Saturday 12th July 2008 13:53
Unbreakable Bonds
Interesting chapter, although I sure wish the romance would hurry up anyway, I'm concerned over Harry's transfiguration score--didn't he get docked for doing red hair rather than white?
Tuesday 15th July 2008 19:20Unbreakable Bonds (Author Response)
I think Harry still managed to pass. I mean, he had everything else right, didn't he? I can't make any promises about H/G, things don't always go as planned, you know! You'll have to keep reading to see how things end up!
Grandma Kate
Saturday 12th July 2008 13:35
Unbreakable Bonds
Thank you for another long and interesting chapter. Harry's growing attraction to Ginny is very well described.
Tuesday 15th July 2008 19:18Unbreakable Bonds (Author Response)
I strive for vivid description so thanks for the compliment! All of the chapters are roughly this length, so hopefully you'll forgive us if we don't post quite every week.
Saturday 12th July 2008 12:39
Unbreakable Bonds
I liked the developing relationship between Harry and Ginny. I can't wait to see where this goes. Great job!
Tuesday 15th July 2008 18:39Unbreakable Bonds (Author Response)
I'm glad you like it and I hope you'll still be as happy when all is said and told. Thanks for the "great job!" comment!
Saturday 12th July 2008 00:39
Unbreakable Bonds
Any chance of given Snape a punch in his nose.
Excellent chapter. Hope Harry actually sorts his mind and feling for Ginny. Story is good.
Tuesday 15th July 2008 18:38Unbreakable Bonds (Author Response)
Thanks for the review! I tell you what, I'll pin Snapie's arms behind him and you can give him a good swift kick or a punch wherever you feel like it. That sound acceptable?

Time reveals all things.