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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Rightful Heirs by Overlord_Laharl

Sunday 20th July 2008 19:40
Harry Potter and the Rightful Heirs
Boy that Draco sure is an ungrateful wretch! Very curious to read more!
Sunday 20th July 2008 19:45Harry Potter and the Rightful Heirs (Author Response)
Yeah, Draco's never been one to actually show things like gratitude. He feels he's entitled to everything due to his heritage...kind of reminds you of some modern-day celebrities, doesn't it?

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Tuesday 15th July 2008 02:50
Harry Potter and the Rightful Heirs
Enjoyed this chapter, but got a bit confused with one thing. Why would the British (not English!) Prime Minister be held responsible for the lack of maintenance of flood defences in Amsterdam, which is in a completely different country the other side of the North Sea?
Please keep writing - I look forward to seeing how this develops.
Tuesday 15th July 2008 04:55Harry Potter and the Rightful Heirs (Author Response)
Enjoyed this chapter, but got a bit confused with one thing. Why would the British (not English!) Prime Minister be held responsible for the lack of maintenance of flood defences in Amsterdam, which is in a completely different country the other side of the North Sea?

Erm, chalk that one up to an embarrassing misconception concerning geography I apologize for my ignorance and blatant mistake concerning that part.

Thanks for reviewing and I hope you are enjoying it besides that one slip-up!