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Reviews For Unbreakable Bonds by Felix Felicis

Tuesday 15th September 2009 21:27
Unbreakable Bonds
Ron's reaction was quite over-the-top, wasn't it? Freaking out about kissing, when he's already given Harry the okay to date Ginny.

And this chapter makes it seem like Ginny never really had a boyfriend successfully. Was Michael Corner just one of those failed relationships she mentions?

I like the emotional scene where Ginny becomes an official part of the Quartet--perhaps Harry can quit being stupid about trying to push her away.

Oh my, Ginny pours her heart out to Harry, and he fails to reciprocate. Ginny, do you not know how emotionally constipated Harry is? Take comfort in the fact that he thinks your pretty, and is absolutely not interested in Hermione!

Anyway, rather stressful chapter, and I'm rather sad that I have to get to bed, so I can't read any more tonight.
Saturday 17th January 2009 19:23
Unbreakable Bonds
I was not surprised at the bit of Harry/Hermione byplay. They have been best mates for 7 years, and Harry is a bloke, as well as Hermione is a pretty girl, or so the writers all say. Natural reactions to one another eh? Do let Harry lose his denseness about Ginny soon though. Great fic though.
Wednesday 21st January 2009 17:43Unbreakable Bonds (Author Response)
I hope you'll keep reading and see how things turn out! Thanks for the kind words. I've had several comments about Harry and Hermione but I still feel that they are both teenagers and I'm *sure* they've at least wondered.... Like you said, natural reactions!
Tuesday 30th September 2008 19:20
Unbreakable Bonds
A very interesting chapter.

Again, I like that Harry is considering his feelings for Ginny more, although my first impression was that he came off as a bit of a . There were some times where he sounded like he was just using Ginny and her feelings for him to feel better about himself - he keeps saying that he can't pursue anything with her, but yet wants to do something to keep her liking him (the bit he said about her feelings for him being an ego-booster seemed very out of character)
Overall though, I thought that the moments where Harry came off as a bit of a tadger were outweighed by the very in-character-ness of him being conflicted and unsure about Ginny.

On Ginny, again, this is an interesting study in her character, and while for the most part I like how she's being portrayed, there are some moments where she seems out-of-character when she becomes really jealous (like Harry referring to someone else as his best friend, and her needing reassurance that she's just as important as Ron and Hermione). I also thought the scene with the Kisses made Ginny and Hermione seem VERY immature.

I really didn't mind the scene with Hermione kissing Harry... I think because it was set up so well, it seemed like a fairly logical progression for the characters given the circumstances that led to the incident.

Finally (sorry to go on) I'm really glad Harry was given a proper opportunity to say goodbye to Hogwarts. It played such an important role in his life, he needs some closure...
Thursday 24th July 2008 11:20
Unbreakable Bonds
What, is Ginny both blind and stupid? The way Harry tried to get away from Hermiones kiss , you would have thought the girl was on fire! That is not the sign of a guy looking for a romantic relationship with, that girl. All Ginny focused on was the kiss itself and that it happened at all. (stupid girl) Also later, when she made her confession that she still liked Harry. Harry didn't have to give her any kind of explanation, but he did. And he gave it to her in code. Yes I said she was pretty, but I think your pretty too. Yes she is my best friend, but I think of you the same way. Didn't you see Ron & Her holding hands under the table. ( Hermione is off limits to Harry. Thank God!) All those hints and tips and Ginny still ended up going to bed crying , again. He did tell her how he felt, it just wasn't so black & white. Great writing job here. looking foward to summer vacation.
Thursday 24th July 2008 18:17Unbreakable Bonds (Author Response)
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your review! That you explained your thoughts so well really means a lot to me. Thank you for reviewing and I hope you enjoy the rest. There's still a lot to come! Stick around
Grandma Kate
Sunday 20th July 2008 16:28
Unbreakable Bonds
Because it is so early in this chapter, some people may miss the most important paragraph.
Then and there they swore to always protect each other, no matter what might come. It was a moment of truth for Ginny, who, having been a part of the DA and always Ron's sister, but never wholly a part of their friendship, was now officially inducted into the circle of friends. The tears she shed that night were proof enough of her loyalty, and her actions of her maturity, that Harry even felt a little guilty for not having truly accepted her for who she was long before. The trio was now a quartet.
Wednesday 23rd July 2008 18:13Unbreakable Bonds (Author Response)
Thank you GK! Enough said.
Saturday 19th July 2008 09:23
Unbreakable Bonds
This was a great chapter! So much happened in it. I loved Dumbledore's toast to Harry, the girls coming down to hear Ron tell his story, and a drunk Hermione is always funny. Your insecure Ginny is heart wrenching though she's so insecure with herself she forgot she knows Hermione likes Ron and that drunk people do stupid things. And then she went to bed and cried cause he didn't say anything about his feelings for her poor thing! Good thing the readers can see Harry's feeling for Ginny even if she can't!