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Reviews For I Wouldn't Change A Thing by rich.sanidad

Friday 25th July 2008 23:12
I Wouldn't Change A Thing
This is such a great picture of how Harry has grown with his children. He has learned the most important things. They will never be smaller than they are now and they will always be a challenge for him and Ginny as Ron's children will be a challenge for him and Hermione but the important thing is to appreciate where they are in the here and now and enjoy every moment of their children's lives as they live their own lives together. I love the way Harry comforted Ginny when he got home and found her tired, frustrated and dishevelled. If only more husbands could be more understanding. Thank you for writing. I really like these little glimpses of their lives with children. p
Monday 21st July 2008 00:51
I Wouldn't Change A Thing
aww! i love the ending! you can tell that harry really loves ginny
Sunday 20th July 2008 07:06
I Wouldn't Change A Thing
Indeed. Life is just perfect. This chapter says so. Bless.