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Reviews For Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake by harry_ginny1234

Sunday 10th August 2008 18:34
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
Harry should tell Dumbles to go stuff himself. Harry is the one walking to his death, Harry is the one that gets to call the tune. Dumbles is simply Bumbles, a man who never corrects his mistakes, simply asks forgiveness and continues on as though nothing happened. I can't believe Mollycoddle would actually pay any atention to her children's wishes or desires. I loved her attack Ginny and Harry about getting too friendly while forgetting that (a) Harry has to die to save them and (b) if it works, they all cease to exist and (c) if it doesn't work, they all get to see Moldie rule for a 1000 years.
Sunday 10th August 2008 21:50Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake (Author Response)
umm... what are you saying. I understand the Dumbledore partof you review, but what are you talking about with Molly

Saturday 9th August 2008 23:06
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
this was a very good chapter. You opened up a lot of different plot line that haven't been explored before. I hope that the store will follow those through and give many more hour of fine read to come.
Thursday 7th August 2008 04:41
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
Another good chapter.

As soon as one little thing changes, when he goes to the past and that could be something as simple as having an extra portion of treacle tart or not; then the whole timeline changes. Nothing would remain the same, no matter Harry does to ensure that it does. This is a mistake made by many authors who write time-travel stories, you'r are probably better off changing everything...yes this make things unpredictable for future Harry, bu he also has experience and patical advice (like optional courses, private training in the room of requirement, etc, etc) that can help past Harry.

You have a very good story, I would only ask that you do not do what other fan-fic authors have done and use the canon plot and even worse are those who use her words.

Okay I've waffled enough...keep up the good work, I look forward to your next chapter.
Thursday 7th August 2008 17:08Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake (Author Response)
in some instances I will use canon, in most I won't.
that is the joy of AU fanfics
I will "generally" stick to the canon plot but the changes will build quickly to bring about the redirecting of the outline I will follow.
Wednesday 6th August 2008 23:26
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake

Look forward to the next chapter.
Wednesday 6th August 2008 21:56
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
I'm hooked! Poor Harry & Ginny. Nice to know they have another chance. kutgw
Comet Moon
Wednesday 6th August 2008 20:33
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake

Dumbledore is going with what is easy, not what is right again

Nice new chapter

Ja ne

Wednesday 6th August 2008 20:50Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake (Author Response)
not so much easy as prudent.

regrets many of his actions in his life but he knows that changing too much of past events will make the wanteed results harder.

as for what will happen to Sirius, wait and see
Wednesday 6th August 2008 17:49
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
This story is very good and interesting. I personally prefer the period Harry chose. Update soon please.