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Reviews For The Honeymooners by Aggiebell

Saturday 26th December 2009 06:17
The Honeymooners
Good one ..... loved the ending !
Monday 13th April 2009 23:24
The Honeymooners
Ah, Julie, you have such a way with humor in your fics. I love that your Harry is quite funny (as he was in canon, when he wasn't feeling angsty or responsible for all the world's woes), and your Ginny truly deserves to be feared by those her know her best.

That vivid imagination of yours was put to good use in this fic between all of the awful things that kept happening to the Potters on their honeymoon and the revenge they exacted on the culprits. (I know, I know, you'll probably give most of the credit to the people who gave you ideas for all of the hijinks, but it was still you who wrote the story and tied it all together seamlessly.)

I especially applaud what you did involving the twins, from the hilarious lingerie prank to the amazingly eloquent and Monty Python-esque apology/groveling. You really outdid yourself with them, and I strongly suggest that you write more twins banter in any future fics in which the Weasleys figure prominently. (The best way to remember Fred in death is to tell funny stories of when he was alive and happy. It doesn't matter if these stories are Missing Moments that didn't appear in canon: if they're written well enough, they have equal standing with canon, in my eyes.)

Anyway, I really ought to get to bed now. I just couldn't leave this fic half-read. Once again, and as always, fantastic writing, Miss Julie!
Baby Boomer
Wednesday 1st October 2008 08:30
The Honeymooners
Oh I can just imagine what kind of honeymoon they'll have!! Wish you would write about it. Thanks for a great story.
Thursday 18th September 2008 13:41
The Honeymooners
A real work of art, really funny loved it. Thanks to you and your beta's
Wednesday 20th August 2008 15:39
The Honeymooners
This was incredibly funny. You've done a great job!!!
Friday 22nd August 2008 10:26The Honeymooners (Author Response)
Thanks so much!

Sunday 10th August 2008 16:10
The Honeymooners
wonderful ending. I hop Ron gets all that is coming to him. lol
Sunday 10th August 2008 01:26
The Honeymooners
i've never laughed this hard at a depiction of fred and george. spot on and HILARIOUS.

the prank on the dursley's was priceless as well.

a the parts together make for a great piece from start to finish. bravo!
Saturday 9th August 2008 22:31
The Honeymooners
Great story! Cheers!

Saturday 9th August 2008 20:17
The Honeymooners
thank you for finally finishing this story!!
however i dont see what harry did to ron was really punishment....
Emeralds and Rubies
Saturday 9th August 2008 11:20
The Honeymooners
A wonderful end to a wonderful story! Great chapter!
Saturday 9th August 2008 09:42
The Honeymooners
Okay, I really think you need to do a sequel or something, even just a one-shot, to show what they do to Ron and Hermione on their honeymoon (but I'm thinking just Ron and have Hermione in on it!).

I love the story, especially the pranks!
Saturday 9th August 2008 09:32
The Honeymooners
Hee! Bravo! Nice ending. I really hope Harry doesn't go all noble and let Ron and Hermione off easy. How about portkeys that send them to seperate locations for thier honeymoon?

Congrats on finishing.