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Reviews For Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts by Grandma Kate

Sunday 14th September 2008 16:15
Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts

Another great chapter, mate.

I really enjoyed the Ron and Ginny snipes.
Sunday 14th September 2008 19:32Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Thank you Kathryn! I hope to be finished with Ginny's Sixth Year soon. Then I can go back to reading your version of it.

Ron and Ginny are masters at showing themselves in the best light.
Sunday 14th September 2008 07:33
Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts
Wonderful and I think you are now setting stage for christmas and the dissapointment that is Percy.
Poor Ginny is so confused. *grins*
Sunday 14th September 2008 10:41Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Thank you for your perceptive review. Molly must be careful what she wishes for. *grins back*
Sunday 14th September 2008 02:20
Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts
yay another chapter, although this one seemed short for some reason, must have been reading fast today!

I love how Lee Jordan was up north selling brooms! *snort*

all the under currents of a big family were great in this chapter - poor Percy he just doens't get it does he?
Sunday 14th September 2008 06:03Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
You are correct in feeling that this chapter was a bit shorter than normal. I generally try for between 2500 and 3000 and this is not even 2400. But the next two chapters are longer. The early December one is when Ginny catches Harry when he trips using the Floo and Molly and Ginny have St Margarets Cauldron talk in the late December one.

What would I do without having some well known Fan Fics to build on? Percy gets to show how much he just doesn't get it when he is splattered with parsnips at Christmas.
Saturday 13th September 2008 21:02
Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts
Another fun chapter, Grandma Kate! I had to chuckle at the fact that Arthur told Bill to agree with Fleur about whatever it was he was asking about the wedding. That definitely makes for a more harmonious lead-up to the day itself.

I've always wondered how Molly managed to make so many Christmas jumpers each year. I guess with magic and lots of practice, one can supervise several pairs of needles so that more than one sweater is created at a time, thus saving valuable weeks sitting and doing them by hand.

The other thing I enjoyed was Ron and Ginny griping about each other in their letters. Typical brother and sister, I say.

This chapter gets for creativity.
Saturday 13th September 2008 21:12Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Our reviews must have passed each other in cyberspace since I just read your gracious answer to my earlier review of Summer Story.

My theory is that Bill asked his father if he and Fleur need to mention their living arrangements to Molly. Arthur has learned that what Molly doesn't know she can't make a fuss about.

Ron and Ginny are on each others case during this period of time. He doesn't like her being with Dean and she is offended by how he is hurting Hermione with Lavender.