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Reviews For Just Plain Harry by Mistral

Emeralds and Rubies
Friday 25th July 2008 23:12
Just Plain Harry
Just picturing Draco's face is way more than it takes to make me LOL! Oh, and i forgot to mention last chapter... Lupin+Petunia? Hm... never really thought about it but...sounds plausible. Awesome chapter. also wondering if we get to read Jame's letters... I'll find out soon enough!
Saturday 28th April 2007 16:09
Just Plain Harry
That was a very good chapter. Wow. That was the most gifts Harry has ever gotten. That was nice that everyone desided to give him a gift this year. The water gun made me laugh so hard. I could totally picture that in my head. :0) Keep up the good work.
Thursday 3rd August 2006 17:41
Just Plain Harry
Very sweet, and I like that Harry got more birthday presents than just from Ron, Hermione, Hagrid and Sirius. I loved all the presents...and the idea of shooting Malfoy with a water gun. Hilarious concept. Ginny's letter was worded perfectly as well. Good chapter!