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Reviews For A Change Of Heart by melkior

Saturday 27th September 2008 15:45
A Change Of Heart
This is moving along slowly but that is what Dumbledore wants. It is bad that Harry is talking so much to Tom but that is how Riddle planned it when he made the diary. I'm sorry that Harry and Ginny aren't able to talk freeely. Harry still doesn't know how Ginny got her detention. I'm sorry Ginny didn't get to tell Harry about her problems in Slytherin House. Maybe next time? Thank you so much for updating. I look forward to more of this story. p
Saturday 27th September 2008 16:49A Change Of Heart (Author Response)
There's a reason for the slow pace. I don't think is hard to guess. The diary acts just as it's supposed to, only in this case, it has some additional ammo.
Harry and Ginny will certainly get to talk eventually.
Thank you for the review. I'm glad you're enjoying the story.