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Reviews For Just Plain Harry by Mistral

Emeralds and Rubies
Friday 25th July 2008 23:22
Just Plain Harry
hmmm... I really liked how you have characterized Moody. It's definitely different than usual, but not too much so, and NOT in a bad way. It is going to be very interesting to see what you do...

Great chapter!
Saturday 28th April 2007 16:16
Just Plain Harry
Wow. This Moody is really different then other ones I have read. I like this one though. Haha. Harry being trained as a Seer. That's funny. Wait until Ron hears about that. :0)
Thursday 3rd August 2006 17:48
Just Plain Harry
Moody is very cool in this chapter. I love how he says that Harry should live a normal life because he can. If there's anything Harry needs to know, it's that. I'm excited that he's going to be taught to's one of the things I've always thought is kinda lacking in Canon. (Man, I always feel...disloyal...whenever I say something's wrong with Canon...jeez.)

This was my favorite quote though:
"Well, since he must appear to hate you and to be working against you and all that you stand for, I don't think that would be a good idea. And since he really does hate you, you shouldn't think it a good idea, either.