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Reviews For Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts by Grandma Kate

Thursday 9th October 2008 11:14
Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts
I luv all the Harry/Ginny in here! The trip, the late night cocoa and the icing of the cookies, it wos such a pleasent and wonderful read. Now if only this could have been in Half- Blood!

Thursday 9th October 2008 13:14Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Hey Snowflake! If JKR told the Half-Blood Prince movie people that Harry and Ginny almost kissed at the Burrow at Christmas. I figure they must have spent some time together. I can also picture Ron feeling left out.
Felix Felicis
Thursday 2nd October 2008 17:38
Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts
Molly noticed that Ginny made two cups of cocoa with cinnamon automatically and handed one to Harry.

I think this is my favorite line, it really shows Ginny's feelings, as in, she's already treating him like her boyfriend! This is a wonderful year to write about because of the opportunities to write about Harry and Ginny. You've done a good job there. Your research is impressive - going back and reading After the End again just to think about Fluer and Bill, wow! That story was actually what inspired me to start writing fan fiction so I don't blame you for reading it again. Poor Molly still misses Percy so much, I really feel for her. Christmas just isn't complete without every one of her family in the house.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the year!
Thursday 2nd October 2008 21:08Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Thank you Ryan! It's no secret that Ginny always has feelings for Harry.

After the End started so many people thinking about Harry Potter fan fics. It is hard for me to imagine how the movies of Deathly Hallows are going to be without Bill and Fleur. But I don't think much of there being no kiss in the common room, either.

Since I am focused on Molly's POV, I needed to find a transition between her relationship with Fleur at Christmas to the scene in the hospital wing when she offers her Auntie Muriel's tiara. JKR seems to have it happen rather abruptly so I needed some missing moments.
Tuesday 30th September 2008 11:37
Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts
Little lady, you make me laugh. I could feel how uncomfortable Percy was. I could see why he kept his eye's on Molly. She was the only one in the room not acting like a moron. (I could see my own mother doing this. And my own 5 brothers & sisters doing what the others did. This reminded me of a few Christmases past of my own!) I died laughing when you had Harry come into the kitchen after Ginny claiming she could say she had a handsome man suck on her toe's. (The poor guy had to watch her get kissed by another guy, now he has to have the image of cedric sucking on her toe's too! lol!) How much can one guy handle before it is just too much. This made my day. Thanks!
Tuesday 30th September 2008 12:56Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Your review made my day, too.

I had such fun writing the two Christmas chapters because so much is going on just under the surface. I was sorry that Molly never found out about Won-Won's necklace because that would have been a great scene.

I agree about poor Harry as well.
Monday 29th September 2008 10:32
Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts
Ah the talk - excellent, I hope you had as much fun writing it as I did reading it. Looking forward to the next update.
Monday 29th September 2008 11:26Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
My original response is floating out in cyber space. I'm glad you could tell how much fun this was to write. If JKR is letting the screen play for the HBP movie substitute an 'interrupted first kiss' at the Burrow at Christmas for the kiss in the common room, I figure lots more interaction between Ginny and Harry must have occurred at the Burrow.

In my mind, Molly is attempting to find out how involved Ginny is with Dean and is relieved at her response. In St Mag's story, Ginny is a grown-up and therefore understands what Molly was hinting at.

The rest of Ginny's Fifth Year is completed and off at either the Pre-Beta or Beta's. These wonderful women correct my typos, grammar mistakes, and Americanisms. All my readers benefit.

I'm also almost finished with the rough draft of Ginny's Sixth Year. Fred and George and Auntie Muriel nearly write themselves.
Sunday 28th September 2008 21:29
Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts
I loved the Xmas dinner with Percy - the piling of parsnips on his plate was well written and funny. I hope Percy could get those shrunken underwear off *sniggers*
Sunday 28th September 2008 21:35Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Thank you for taking time to write a review. JKR wrote the Percy and Parsnips scene. I just filled in what happened while Harry was out in the snow freezing his bits off with the Minister.

Molly enjoys having everyone home so much that she misses quite a bit of what is really happening.

Sunday 28th September 2008 10:03
Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts
Excellent chapter - despite Ginny probably being highly embarrised by the talk Molly gave her, its good to see them so close. Too many writers see Ginny as very different from her parents.
Sunday 28th September 2008 10:59Ginny's Fifth Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Thank you for reading and reviewing. You're the first for this chapter.

As I noted, I had written a Ginny/Molly 'talk' before St Margarets story in which Ginny is looking back on it when Harry tells her about giving James 'the talk' I see Ginny as strong and having a good self image. She is still rather inexperienced so far as romance is concerned. Molly is 'relieved".