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Reviews For Transformations by Capramagus

Tuesday 9th September 2014 11:49
Love it. We don't get enough of Remus in the books- he must have a lot of what is near to self loathing. Loving how James's huge ego is reflected in his transformation into a fabulous stag- a little too fabulous for his own good!
Tuesday 1st October 2013 02:50
This is very well done. I can't imagine how terrible it must be for Remus. To find out his 3 friends decided to turn into animagi for his sake was beyond what most friends would do. I love the way you brought this along up to Remus realizing what they had done for him. thanks for writing. p
snuggle the muggle
Sunday 14th December 2008 22:31
I just wanted to let you know that I have rec’d your story and posted a link to it in the new HP LJ community Harry Potter Missing Moments. Your story fits nicely into canon and makes a nice addition to our archives. Please feel free to come over and take a look at what we are doing and your entry (posted under "New-Found Family"). We are a small group at the moment, but we hope to get your story some new readers and some new reviews as we grow.
Sunday 14th December 2008 22:44Transformations (Author Response)
Thanks! I might just hop on over there and check out what else you've got.
Saturday 15th November 2008 23:27
nice. i usually dont read stories of the week, but im glad i read this one.
Friday 14th November 2008 01:49
This is an excellent story. What a good way for Remus to find out his friends had done something so important for him. You have done a wonderful job of making this a believeable scenario. Thanks for writing. p
Ocean Dream
Sunday 12th October 2008 01:31
Nice one! It made me think just how miserable life must have been for Remus after James's death.
And I wonder: the passage into the Shack was too low , did James crawl in as human and transformed in it?
Friday 10th October 2008 23:06
What a moving story - very smoothly written and very tender look at Remus, a wonderful character.
Thursday 9th October 2008 02:43
True friendship endures all adversities. It's great to see what Remus' friends were willing to do to keep company during the full moon. Really great story.
Sunday 5th October 2008 12:47
Wow. Surprisingly great. I always tended to stay away from pre HP. Now, I have no idea why. You captured all of their personalities perfectly, and it was a very touching story.
aurora luminis
Saturday 4th October 2008 06:12
This is well written and shows a good deal of creativity. The dialogue is true to the characters. I particularly liked the characterization of Peter: sitting in a corner with star charts. He isn't that well-defined in the books, far less than the other three. You resisted the easy path of making him look disgusting years before he was. Thank you so much for this piece which obviously took a good deal of work to refine it to something so pleasing.
Friday 3rd October 2008 12:24
Well written!
Thursday 2nd October 2008 00:07
Great story. I like how you portrayed Remus when he did not know what his friends were up to. love the interaction between the friends and their effort to keep Remus company when he transforms. beautiful work. friends mean everything when your no longer alone.
Tuesday 30th September 2008 22:31
Very nice. A nice positive moment for a character who had a rough time of things in the books. Thanks for the read and good luck with the competition.
Tuesday 30th September 2008 19:57
wow... that was aweomse!!! this is the first staory that ive read about james and peter and siruis turning into angima for remus....
you did a wonderful job
Tuesday 30th September 2008 13:35
That was beautiful. Remus is lucky, but so are the others. Well done!
Tuesday 30th September 2008 02:01
you captured Remus' inner voice well. it is nice to see how hard the three worked so they could be with their friend
Tuesday 30th September 2008 00:57
The last line of your story says it all. Anything is possible if you're surrounded by friends.

And what wonderful friends they are! James, Peter and Sirius took on something most adults can't do and did it successfully, just because they didn't want Remus to be alone during his transformations. I really like how you've shown their dedication to and caring for Remus.

This story is one that compels the reader to keep reading. I think it deserves for creativity and a pace that leads smoothly towards the conclusion.
Monday 29th September 2008 21:31
I like this take on a fifth anniversary! This is a great character study of Remus, feeling left out by the others' mysterious behavior, but then feeling guilty for thinking that way. I was amused by his trying to console himself by blaming their secrecy on his status as a prefect, too.
J.R. Lewis
Monday 29th September 2008 19:17
Good story. I can actually imagine this happening.
Grandma Kate
Monday 29th September 2008 13:35
This is quite moving. I really like your concluding sentences-
He smiled, and as he began to feel his body changing, for the first time in his life he wasn't afraid; after all, for the first time in his life, he wasn't alone.
Monday 29th September 2008 10:56
Very touching story.