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Reviews For A Potterverse Christmas Carol by Melindaleo

Wednesday 7th October 2015 10:25
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
The James/Petunia interaction is my favourite of the 3 ghosts. I particularly enjoyed how he was struggling not to punish her for her treatment of Harry, and his gloating over her predicament.

Petunia's reflections on each of the places they visited (before knowing why they were at each) were particularly well done. Can't say I fault you're reasoning of where each of the characters were likely to wind up...

I must admit I also particularly enjoyed her jealousy... and the final line.
Saturday 10th January 2009 16:23
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
whoot! go james! good one him for knocking some sense into her!
Wednesday 7th January 2009 12:26
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
Petunia gets what's coming to her!

Well done! A really great read.

Friday 2nd January 2009 09:47
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
Another great chapter. I really thought it might be Albus who was the ghost of Christmas Future but James did a great job too. I can imagine the coaxing that Lily gave to get him to do this for her. I hope these last imagines turn Petunia's life around for Dudley.

I love the reactions when James talks about young James and Lily and the mention of Mad Eye and Harry's wand placement. That definitely made me laugh.

Can't wait to read the next chapter!
Thursday 1st January 2009 12:18
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
Yay! Harry turns out fantastically, happy with his family around him, while Dudly and Petunia end up alone and bitter, sweet justice! But I suppose I'll be glad to see everything turn out well for Dudly in the end. Really good story, and a very interesting idea.
Tuesday 30th December 2008 21:35
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
I was wondering who your Ghost of Christmas Future would be (I had my money on Dumbledore) and I think your choice of James was fitting and perfect. He may act fancy free but he's fiercely loyal about his family. It must be such a bitter pill to swallow for Petunia to see her son in the possible future and to see future Harry, happy and with a family of his own (no thanks to her). I hope she comes to understand that Harry's already on his way to that, and that it'll be up to her to help set Dudley's path straight. Can't wait to see the conclusion!
Tuesday 30th December 2008 08:40
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
Another excellent chapter! I love how James never quite manages to lose control, even though Petunia quite clearly manages to get his goat. Very well written!
Monday 29th December 2008 10:04
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
I loved it! Poor Dudley though, I feel really bad for him. Anyway, great job!
Sunday 28th December 2008 21:46
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
Aww! Beautiful!

Sunday 28th December 2008 11:44
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
Great chapter! James is so...James! You have captured his character, his love for his family and that he will do anything for Lily, even try to save the family that treated Harry so badly. I like where you are going with this story and look forward to seeing you wrap it up. Dickens' A Christmas Carol is one of my favorite stories...I try to watch at least one variation of it during the season.

Can't wait for Chapter Five!

Wolf\\\'s Scream
Saturday 27th December 2008 22:00
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
Aye, "Pet" can be a tad thick-headed, but I get the distinct impression that her late brother-in-law might possibly have managed to communicate with her. (Something about a clue-by-four upside the head, perhaps....) [And yeah, I've visited folks in facilities such as that where Petunia ended up. That's certainly not my ideal for how to live the end of one's life.]
Saturday 27th December 2008 18:24
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
WOW!!! I came into fandom too late to comment on your other fics so it is with great pleasure that I can say THANK YOU!! for the hours of enjoyment you have given me with your fics and this is as good as anything I have ever read of yours.
Saturday 27th December 2008 18:24
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
WOW!!! I came into fandom too late to comment on your other fics so it is with great pleasure that I can say THANK YOU!! for the hours of enjoyment you have given me with your fics and this is as good as anything I have ever read of yours.
Saturday 27th December 2008 18:01
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
nice. i'm glad you stuck to the books' description of petunia. i think dudley was a too sad, though. i thought maybe he'd be in a mental hospital, to tell you the truth.
Ocean Dream
Saturday 27th December 2008 14:39
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
Lovely! It was so... James! I bet he was enjoying himself to be Petunia's guide... and I can see Sirius begging to be allowed to join in the fun and Remus smiling while Lily was trying to focus James on his task and making him promise not to hurt Petunia... seriously :-) And you even got Mad Eye involved, great!
Oh, of course, the image of future Petunia and Dudley was very true!
Your story reads so well!
Baby Boomer
Saturday 27th December 2008 13:00
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
I'm sitting here crying, it was so beautiful. I love this story. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Saturday 27th December 2008 05:42
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
Has she seen enough? Will she be able to change her behavior and let Dudley be his own person, even if that means giving his love and affection to a woman that isn't her? Even if it means Dudley will have contact with his cousin?

I think you portrayed James perfectly: cool and laid back in his day-to-day existence, but terrifying if he or his are in danger.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
Friday 26th December 2008 20:21
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
I have tears in my eyes over the ending to this chapter - they welled up when I read the line,
The lump in Petunia’s throat was strangling her, and she bit her lip to control her emotions.
though I was close before. So happy to see Harry and Ginny's happiness.

James was an interesting choice for his role - even more unwilling than Snape. And yet doing anything for Lily.

I know you've said this is all about saving Dudley, but obviously from this you can see that if Petunia changes her behavior toward him and fixes their sick relationship, she will be saved from a tortuous old age as well. But I like to think she will be motivated more by her love for Dudley - as warped as it may be - than her selfish desire for a more comfortable old age with the love and respect she witnessed from Harry's choice of names for his children. I see a parallel between her love for Dudley and Narcissa's love for Draco - as Dumbledore made very clear, Love is the most powerful magic of all.

And Christmas is the perfect time to remind us all of that.

Thank you for this gem - I am looking forward to the conclusion.
Friday 26th December 2008 20:14
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
I love seeing Petunia all alone and miserable in a nursing home. I know I'm supposed to be more charitable than that but she brings out the worst in me. I feel bad for Dudders, but I'm sure you have a plan to give him a better life. Harry, of course, deserves every bit of the wonderful life that you've given him. Thank you for writing and for sharing your work.

J.R. Lewis
Friday 26th December 2008 19:35
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
James is/was perfect! Couldn't be better! Great chapter. But then again, "A Christmas Carol" has always been a favorite of mine. But James!? Wow! Rang Petunia's bell real good, he did!
Friday 26th December 2008 19:19
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
Excellent. I enjoyed the third installment too but didn't review, sorry. You have done a great job with this so far and I am looking forward to seeing how you 'redeem' Petunia (if she can be).

Happy New Year
Grandma Kate
Friday 26th December 2008 15:02
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
Thank you for such a grand Christmas story. James was perfect and I am hopeful that Petunia will change and therefore change Dudley's future.

The scene at the Potter house was precious.
Friday 26th December 2008 14:53
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
This was a great chapter. I am looking forward to the next.
Friday 26th December 2008 14:50
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
Woo! After a long night with Christmas games and fun, I'm ready to unwind and go to bed, and what better bedtime story than this? It isn't nice to be vengeful, but goodness me, it's absolutely wonderful to see Petunia go through this. That she'll end up a miserable old cow if she doesn't straighten herself out a bit - and allow Deirdre to play a part in Dudley's life. Fantabulastic! Just being a nice person and taking care of the ones around you is generally a good idea, and it's about time that Petunia understood that. Yahoo!

Thanks a bunch!
Friday 26th December 2008 14:05
A Potterverse Christmas Carol
I'm really enjoying the characterization in this story -- sneering Snape in the last chapter was perfectly in character, and so is James here, with the old familiar taunting, but also the new rage over what Petunia and her family have done to Harry. It makes perfect sense that both Snape and James in turn are only helping out as a favor to Lily. Also, the three contrasting future scenes in this chapter work together really well, and it was an interesting perspective on the happy Potter household (in roughly 2008, in fact?) to see it through Petunia's eyes.