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Reviews For Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake by harry_ginny1234

Saturday 14th March 2009 18:19
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
I am really enjoying this piece! I can't wait to read the next chapter.
Sunday 8th March 2009 16:33
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
Since only Harry went into the chamber,only he will get the award and points and not Ron and Ron will feel jealous. Excellent chapter but a really late update. Plllleeeeeeeaaaaaassssssseeeeeeeeeeee update sooner next time.
Sunday 8th March 2009 20:18Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake (Author Response)
i will update as soon as my beta can post it

Ron will get his award for a different reason, "Hey, Professor, Ron should get an award also, he helped me with this task. just because he didn't go into the chamber with me doesn't mean he should be left out."
Sunday 1st March 2009 19:44
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
I would like to hear from you..have you write down the other chapter...I hope it wil be soon.
Monday 23rd February 2009 17:51
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
This is a really good story, keep writing I want to keep reading. Forever
Tuesday 17th February 2009 02:30
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
This is a very good chapter. I can understand why Harry had misgivings about goint to the ball. His dream was right. He did the right thing keeping his and his friends wands. That made a big difference at the ball. I can understand why he was so upset about Ginny being captured. He was right to worry about that. Waking in the Great Hall was strange at first but I understand why the fighters from the ball were all together. Dumbledore was right about taking the lead going into the chamber but "Tom" underestimated the young people again. I am sorry Dumbledore let Tom kill him but he chose his own time to die and I know Harry can understand that. I think Harry is right about finishing Tom now. He won't expect it for one thing. They do need to know who was killed or captured in the Death Eater Group that attacked the school. That will help them when they find and attack Tom and whoever he has left. Thanks for writing. I look forward to the rest of this story. p
Tuesday 17th February 2009 18:40Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake (Author Response)
what story is this review for?
Monday 16th February 2009 11:49
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
I like it. It's different, but I like that Harry stil has to work some things out on his own. Hope you can update soon!
Saturday 14th February 2009 23:55
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
Great chapter. Thanks for sharing.
Saturday 14th February 2009 08:08
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
Yes, this is developing very nicely! Onwards and upwards (as the muggles say).
Saturday 14th February 2009 05:02
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
Excellent..............look forward to next update...........
Saturday 14th February 2009 03:12
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
It's nice to see all your hard work setting up the plot starting to pay off here. I am guessing we're getting smooth sailing to start, before the complications start piling up. The fairytale kiss was a good touch.

I look forward to more. Thank you.
Friday 13th February 2009 22:04
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
First I have to say I was excited to see a new chapter. I really enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait to see how everyone responds to what Harry did. I can't wait to see what comes next.
Friday 13th February 2009 16:57
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
Very interesting! Glad Harry gave himself the lowdown. Can't wait to see what changes between Ginny and himself.
Friday 13th February 2009 15:44
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
You know that last message was pure inspiration. It's not often i say this but i wish i had thought of that!
Comet Moon
Friday 13th February 2009 14:01
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake

Your back

A kiss to awaken the Princess. Classic.

And true

Dimple-Chin huh? Has to be a story behind that

Glad to see Ginny starting to come out, though Harry probably sent her in a bit after that mean comment of Naked women.

What was he thinking?

Or, if Ginny wants a bit of revenge she can ask him with what he was thinking.

Love this story

Look forward to more

Ja ne

Friday 13th February 2009 21:16Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake (Author Response)

Your back

A kiss to awaken the Princess. Classic.

And true

Dimple-Chin huh? Has to be a story behind that

Glad to see Ginny starting to come out, though Harry probably sent her in a bit after that mean comment of Naked women.

What was he thinking?

Or, if Ginny wants a bit of revenge she can ask him with what he was thinking.

now this is the real reason shy reviews should be left. not only have you told me what you think of the story, but you have also giving me as idea for scenes later in the story.
as to what harry was thinking, he was simply trying to distract her, and possibly make her laugh a bit. even with his older self asisting, he is still only a 12 year old boy, and prone to make stupid, though common, mistakes. just like the author who forgot to edit that out after changing the scene later in the chapter that the comment was meant to foreshadow. but its there now, and I'm leaving it. perhaps her revenge could take the form os a prank. we-shall-see.