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Reviews For One Blink by rich.sanidad

Thursday 14th October 2010 00:55
One Blink
Oh! I watched the outsiders in class! Now i remember it! Clever...
The Boss
Monday 1st June 2009 05:21
One Blink
Far out - the frustration that each of them must feel must be unbarable... I thought that Harry would not get together with Ginny after the funeral but it is a shame to see 2 great people pass...alas. Great chapter again - keep it up

The Boss
Monday 25th May 2009 03:29
One Blink
Poor Ginny. To be that close to Harry and miss him. That is so hard. It is going to be rought for him when he goes after the Horcruxes. If only he had turned to see Ginny but he is trying to be strong. I look forward to more of this story. Thank you for writing. p
Grandma Kate
Monday 18th May 2009 13:01
One Blink
The scenes with Bill are heart-wrenching.

If this story weren't so sad, it would be like a French farce with everyone just missing each other.
Tuesday 19th May 2009 07:44One Blink (Author Response)
Yes, my intent was that one small change could have a "ripple" effect on later events. Hope you like how it turns out. Thank you for the read and review.
Ocean Dream
Wednesday 22nd April 2009 10:53
One Blink
Sorry, last night I hit the wrong button too soon.
My excuses are:
a) it was too late in the night/too early in the morning over here
b) I was too teary from weeping over Bill´s death.
Honestly, what´s wrong with you people killing off the Weasley boys?! I haven´t forgiven Jo Fred yet and now this! (I believe Percy´s death would make a nice heroic sacrifice and payback though...)
Bill´s dying scene was well done, however. His treatment of Ron especially and his encouragement to both Ron and Ginny in their respective love interests were great and inspiring. I really enjoyed the train scenes (Ron and Ginny, Ron and Hermione hinted, Ginny and Dean - and Harry´s eyes). And my heart broke a little as Harry walked through the barrier and it was the end of the chapter...
Oh, and everything Harry did seemed to be done inwardly - I can´t get rid of the word now!
All in all, I love this story, thanks for sharing. Could you PLEASE make the waiting for the next chapter as short as possible? Thanks a lot!
Wednesday 22nd April 2009 21:10One Blink (Author Response)
Thanks for the explanation. As for Bill's death... if it helps any, it was something that I pondered for a long time before pulling the trigger.

As for my use of the word "inwardly"... you're absolutely right. I originally wrote this chapter a few months ago, and when I reread it once it got posted, I cringed. Perhaps I'll talk to my beta about fixing that issue -- but not right now. He's already working on the next chapter. (I mention that not to pass blame, but to inform you that we're already working on the next update. )
Ocean Dream
Tuesday 21st April 2009 18:11
One Blink
Tuesday 21st April 2009 18:49One Blink (Author Response)

I'm hoping that the "Yay!" is because you liked the latest chapter and not an expression of sarcasm.
Tuesday 21st April 2009 12:38
One Blink
Nice chapter. I thought that it was an interesting touch having Ginny contemplate what might have happened if she'd taken the whole potion. Youjust felt like screaming at her "Of course you should have just taken the whole potion, everything would have been ok then!" Can't wait for the next chapter!
Tuesday 21st April 2009 18:43One Blink (Author Response)
Yeah, but if she had taken the whole potion, this wouldn't be AU, now would it? Anyway, thanks for reviewing. Glad you liked it.
Tuesday 21st April 2009 07:36
One Blink
I really like the way you write. You're so good at wringing out my emotions that I shouldn't read your stories while I'm at work. I might embarass myself by crying.

Tuesday 21st April 2009 18:41One Blink (Author Response)
Wow, this review is a first. I'm glad you were able to connect with the story. Thanks for reviewing.
Tuesday 21st April 2009 07:33
One Blink
If my next chapter they don't, at least, talk I going to be very upset. With that said, this chapter was sad and meaningful. Thanks for sharing.
Tuesday 21st April 2009 18:40One Blink (Author Response)
Hmm... I won't make any promises, but I will say that the next chapter is already written. As for this chapter, glad you liked it.