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Reviews For Our Obligations by Worldmaker

Tuesday 8th September 2009 05:59
Our Obligations
lol. You are a downright excellent writer. Love the fact that someone was born on the wrong side of the bed. LOL. What intrigue. LOL. Draco and Astoria need not worry. Scorpios will fall in love with someone else and not propagate with his half -sister!!!!

Excellent chapter. Love Ron.
Monday 31st August 2009 03:46
Our Obligations
I read chapter 5 and it ends on an incomplete sentence. Is the whole chapter listed or did something go wrong with it? I really like the chapter and would love to read the rest of it. Thanks for writing. I'll look for a new update soon. Thank you again. p
Tuesday 7th July 2009 11:38
Our Obligations
Wonderful fic. I'm a fan of your works on this site, a big fan. This fic seems especially promising. I can't wait for the next chapter! I'm on the edge of my seat!
Sunday 7th June 2009 16:43
Our Obligations
LOL. Draco begot a child on the wrong side of the bed?

Yay! An update! I hope the next one will be publish soon.
Wednesday 3rd June 2009 12:00
Our Obligations
I almost fell sorry for Draco, but the kids are lovely.
Tuesday 2nd June 2009 22:49
Our Obligations
Woot! First review! That's where compulsively checking your email instead of studying gets you!
Tuesday 2nd June 2009 22:43
Our Obligations
Oh man, that made me laugh out loud so much - especially Ron! (Chewing like a cow... you don't like him much, do you?)

You missed a couple of 'Mom's in the letter from James, but other than that, good job! Love Astoria and Draco's rules, but I'm confused... who's Parkinson's kid? Oh! The prefect? I'll check. Draco is more like his father than he knows - only Lucius would never have made that kind of elementary mistake and actually produced a child! Anyway, very nice, and I'm enjoying the story a lot. More please!