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Reviews For The F Words 9: Folly, Act III by Antosha

Friday 11th December 2009 03:51
The F Words 9: Folly, Act III
Aww, sweet! I've had this on my favourites list for a while, meaning to read it, and I loved it. More good stuff, thanks!
Friday 11th December 2009 15:07The F Words 9: Folly, Act III (Author Response)
Aww, sweet! I've had this on my favourites list for a while, meaning to read it, and I loved it. More good stuff, thanks!

Thanks so much! I'm glad that you had a chance to read them!
Friday 20th November 2009 07:13
The F Words 9: Folly, Act III
I absolutely love these. Every now and then I read through the whole lot. I know I have mentioned it before, but some things bear repeating. Thanks again.
Friday 20th November 2009 07:50The F Words 9: Folly, Act III (Author Response)
I absolutely love these. Every now and then I read through the whole lot. I know I have mentioned it before, but some things bear repeating. Thanks again.

Thank [i]you[/i]!
Friday 30th October 2009 17:04
The F Words 9: Folly, Act III
This: "Love is like the grass pushing up through the cracks in a city street; people can try to pretend that they can conquer it, or that it isn’t there, but it always comes back." reminded me of one of my favourite quotes:
"You can transmute love, ignore it, muddle it, but you can never pull it out of you." It's from A Room With A View.

I loves that story, absolutely loved it. So nice to see them so happy, but would appreciate more!

Friday 30th October 2009 23:05The F Words 9: Folly, Act III (Author Response)
This: "Love is like the grass pushing up through the cracks in a city street; people can try to pretend that they can conquer it, or that it isn’t there, but it always comes back." reminded me of one of my favourite quotes:
"You can transmute love, ignore it, muddle it, but you can never pull it out of you." It's from A Room With A View.

I loves that story, absolutely loved it. So nice to see them so happy, but would appreciate more!


Thanks so much! I was very pleased with that bit—and I love that quote! Was that the father or the son?
Saturday 17th October 2009 19:49
The F Words 9: Folly, Act III
This is an excellent story. I have enjoyed all the chapters for this story and I especially like the end. Thanks so much for writing. If you want to continue with this story I certainly won't mind. I love "the rest of the story" stories. p
Sunday 18th October 2009 08:13The F Words 9: Folly, Act III (Author Response)
This is an excellent story. I have enjoyed all the chapters for this story and I especially like the end. Thanks so much for writing. If you want to continue with this story I certainly won't mind. I love "the rest of the story" stories. p

Thanks so much! There are two final installments being coded; they should be up soon.
Saturday 17th October 2009 07:27
The F Words 9: Folly, Act III
That looks like it will all end nicely. It had a happy feeling by the end of the episode.
Sunday 18th October 2009 08:14The F Words 9: Folly, Act III (Author Response)
That looks like it will all end nicely. It had a happy feeling by the end of the episode.

Glad you thought so! After all of that uproar, I wanted to "close the curtain" in a satisfying way.
Friday 16th October 2009 07:39
The F Words 9: Folly, Act III
Excellent. These may be some of my favorite stories on the site. Thanks for keeping them coming.
Sunday 18th October 2009 08:15The F Words 9: Folly, Act III (Author Response)
Excellent. These may be some of my favorite stories on the site. Thanks for keeping them coming.

Thanks so much! There are two final installments being coded; they should be up soon.
Thursday 15th October 2009 18:30
The F Words 9: Folly, Act III
Yay! I had dinner in the oven and wanted something quick to read. I logged on, ever hopeful, and was greatly rewarded. Every time you post a new installment in your F series, I am so happy. This one was excellent - I loved the bits about George and Angelina ... I've seen that relationship treated different ways and I think this was one of the best. Thank you for a read that was just as satisfying as the brie and apple stuffed chicked breasts I was cooking!
Thursday 15th October 2009 21:02The F Words 9: Folly, Act III (Author Response)
Yay! I had dinner in the oven and wanted something quick to read. I logged on, ever hopeful, and was greatly rewarded. Every time you post a new installment in your F series, I am so happy. This one was excellent - I loved the bits about George and Angelina ... I've seen that relationship treated different ways and I think this was one of the best. Thank you for a read that was just as satisfying as the brie and apple stuffed chicked breasts I was cooking!

Yum! That sounds delicious! Any left over?

I'm glad that you liked this installment in the series—and glad that you enjoyed George and Angelina. I guess that came in part out of my sense of evryone in fandom assuming the straightest possible line for the characters between the end of "A Flaw in the Plan" and "Nineteen Years Later" (or, in the case of Rolf/Luna and George/Angelina, JKR's post-DH interviews). Some people thought it was weird that George and Angelina didn't spend the rest of their lives mourning Fred, which struck me as very unlike both of them; others assumed that all of the characters woke up the day after the battle and paired up like animals heading onto Noah's Ark. I wanted to explore a middle ground; I guess the whole series is my way of tweaking fandom's tendency to jump to the simplest, least interesting conclusions so often.

In any case, I had fun with this, so I'm please that it pleased you. And there are two more (final) F Words stories in the queue!