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Reviews For Harry Potter: Lost by Bear

Monday 8th March 2010 00:22
Harry Potter: Lost
good start it's really funny that a coward lost to a 1 year old and then lost almost every year in harry's school life since only two years he wasn't around 3rd and 6th book
Monday 8th March 2010 01:31Harry Potter: Lost (Author Response)
Monday 14th December 2009 19:55
Harry Potter: Lost
nice chapter! cant wait for the rest!
although i cant really see voldemort thinking that he would spare lily's life especially because she is a muggle....
Grandma Kate
Sunday 6th December 2009 09:50
Harry Potter: Lost
That was a compelling prologue. I look forward to a tale well told.
Sunday 6th December 2009 11:40Harry Potter: Lost (Author Response)