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Reviews For Harry Potter: Lost by Bear

Monday 14th December 2009 21:07
Harry Potter: Lost
huh interesting.... so harry is adam and im guessing that he mugged arthur.... i wonder what will happen when they meet again...
Grandma Kate
Sunday 6th December 2009 10:07
Harry Potter: Lost
Interesting... Arthur's strange money may lead 'Adam' to his rightful place.

These two bits of information caught my attention.

His light brown hair was growing long and shaggy,
He had been on his own for six months now.
Sunday 6th December 2009 11:41Harry Potter: Lost (Author Response)
Thanks! Yes, important facts.
Wednesday 25th November 2009 07:22
Harry Potter: Lost
I like where this is going, I'm completely hooked. Can't wait to see where it leads.
Saturday 28th November 2009 11:07Harry Potter: Lost (Author Response)
Thanks! Will be more very soon