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Reviews For A Wrinkle in Time by Mr. Intel

Friday 17th October 2008 10:12
A Wrinkle in Time
A really good chapter, the opeing paragraphs were particularly good. Loved the way & , 'played' together. Nice also to see that & , getting together!!

Friday 3rd October 2008 07:07
A Wrinkle in Time
The first couple of sentences in this chapter were fantastic!! The language was easy-going, not overly complex, but still very descriptive and enjoyable to read. The scene with Harry and Ginny in the kitchen was very sweet.
I had to giggle at their reaction to being scolded by Mrs Weasley - Freudian maybe?!?
Tuesday 26th August 2008 14:51
A Wrinkle in Time
Hmm... interesting. Time travel.
Friday 22nd August 2008 08:17
A Wrinkle in Time
Well that wish was as descriptive as you can get. Very nice chapter.

Wednesday 19th March 2008 06:53
A Wrinkle in Time
huh thats interesting... so they go back in time.... i wonder how harry will act
wont they be under the fidilus charm already??
Wednesday 31st May 2006 17:43
A Wrinkle in Time
Nice. I have no other way to decribe the chapter but 'nice'.
Tuesday 15th November 2005 05:47
A Wrinkle in Time
That leaves a few things open to interpretation .... - Has it ever occurred to them to give the stone back to Dumbledore? After all, it belongs with the sword.
Wednesday 23rd February 2005 17:09
A Wrinkle in Time
Nice little roll down the hill . . . I don't think Ginny would have known about the time turner though.