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Reviews For Secrets by Aggiebell

Friday 9th April 2010 19:00
Really interesting story. You did a good job of keeping them on character.
As others have said, their courtship was very typical of them. Virtually no romance, just convenience. One thing I'm surprised at, is that Vernon accepted the magic so easily, you'd think that he'd need more convincing.
Well done, I really enjoyed it.
Tuesday 30th March 2010 17:14
this is a unique look at petunia and what makes her tick. nicely done.
Wednesday 31st March 2010 20:40Secrets (Author Response)
Thanks, Kelley. It was *hard* to write her in a (somewhat) sympathetic manner, you know? Because I do not like her, at all. It was a good challenge for me, though.
Monday 29th March 2010 22:01
Wow, what a piece! I really enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing this, it offers an interesting insight into Petunia and Vernon... Will there be any others along the same lines?
Wednesday 31st March 2010 20:46Secrets (Author Response)
Thanks so much for the review! It was definitely interesting writing it, for sure.

As to whether there will be others along the same lines...I'm not sure. It depends on which bunnies bite. I definitely won't rule it out, though--once I got over myself (and my angst) and started writing, this was a fun piece to work on, and it challenged me in ways most of my other stuff doesn't (how do you write a sympathetic portrayal of a character you really dislike? It might be interesting to do something similar with Snape (also not one of my favorite characters!).

Sunday 28th March 2010 16:07
Great story! Petunia and Vernon's courtship was so Dursleyish to borrow the word. It seems very much in keeping with both of their characters. You almost feel sorry for Petunia, but then she ruins it. And anyone who finds Vernon handsome really gets what they deserve
Wednesday 31st March 2010 20:48Secrets (Author Response)

Petunia and Vernon's courtship was so Dursleyish

Heh. Yeah, I was trying to make their courtship as Dursleyish as possible, without going overboard.

anyone who finds Vernon handsome really gets what they deserve

LOLOL! How very true!

Thanks again for the review!
