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Reviews For A Time to Remember by St Margarets

Thursday 1st July 2010 13:27
A Time to Remember
i wonder what the joke was lol
Wednesday 19th May 2010 03:53
A Time to Remember
There are so many good things to say about this chapter. It was fun to read. It has the right tone and emotion.

Love the knight bus

Love your innuendos.

Love the way the memories are coming back and the confusion you wrought. LOL.
Wednesday 19th May 2010 10:57A Time to Remember (Author Response)
Thank you for pointing out specifics of what you liked. That's so helpful for a writer!
Grandma Kate
Thursday 6th May 2010 16:21
A Time to Remember
I loved the exchange between Will Wood and Ginny (that Harry listened to)
Break a broom in the next match.
Friday 7th May 2010 07:31A Time to Remember (Author Response)
He's a favorite character of mine, so I indulged myself by having him in as many scenes as possible. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 5th May 2010 15:26
A Time to Remember
Some misunderstandings, but they seem to be getting well at last. And Ginny, despite all of her insecurities about Harry, manages to take good care of him and to make him be near her without having to del with him all by herself. It was clever of her and of you. Loved their interaction.
And loved that they created a princes/Batanya ship to deal with their jealousy in a humorous way.
Wednesday 5th May 2010 16:18A Time to Remember (Author Response)
Lots of back and forth - but the good thing is that they're both really paying attention to what the other is saying - always a good sign things are improving. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 4th May 2010 21:19
A Time to Remember
Oh, delightful! You can't keep this coming fast enough for me. I really like the way you are portraying Ginny and Harry--it feels very true to the characters. I don't envy Ginny remembering all about the Chamber, or Harry dying... Can't wait to read more! Thanks!
Wednesday 5th May 2010 06:36A Time to Remember (Author Response)
Oh, you're anticipating some chapters ahead! Yes, Ginny's had some bad memories - but they're good ones, too! Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 4th May 2010 11:21
A Time to Remember

I've loved your storie so far,please keep updating as fast as your doing now xD.I hope Ginny remember things more quickly too,i miss the fluff/teasing Harry/Gin talks.

congrats for the idea,is very interesting.

Tuesday 4th May 2010 13:19A Time to Remember (Author Response)
I'm glad you're finding it interesting! Fluff will come again soon. Thanks for reading and for letting me know.
Tuesday 4th May 2010 09:36
A Time to Remember
I love this story-so well done-Can't wait for rest-
Tuesday 4th May 2010 10:17A Time to Remember (Author Response)
Thanks for letting me know. That makes me feel good.