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Reviews For Fidelius by Antosha

Wednesday 21st July 2010 10:49
Did not see that one coming... Isnt snape dead?
Wednesday 30th June 2010 04:27
This is a bad place for Harry and Ginny. What could Harry have done with the Elder Wand that might have regennerated Snape? I look forward to more of this story. Thaks for writing. p
Friday 2nd July 2010 15:59Fidelius (Author Response)
This is a bad place for Harry and Ginny. What could Harry have done with the Elder Wand that might have regennerated Snape? I look forward to more of this story. Thaks for writing. p

Hee. Yeah. just what could Harry have done? (I am confidently hopeful that you'll find the answer both surprising and satisfying when the last chapter's posted soon!)
Monday 28th June 2010 10:40
Wow, where did this come from. Absolutely fascinating stuff. Edge of the seat ending. More please.
Friday 2nd July 2010 15:58Fidelius (Author Response)
Wow, where did this come from. Absolutely fascinating stuff. Edge of the seat ending. More please.

More's coming, I promise! The last chapter should be posted soon.