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Reviews For Contrapunto by Antosha

Sunday 7th November 2010 07:34
Very unlike perce
Thursday 11th November 2010 00:15Contrapunto (Author Response)
Very unlike perce

I'm sorry to hear that you thought so. I'm curious to know what you found out of character.
Monday 2nd August 2010 08:33
So ... When I first saw this I didn't realize it was meant to be a chaptered story (the first chapter would have stood up nicely on its own), so I followed the link you so thoughtfully provided, and very educational that turned out to be. But it did leave me wondering how Percy, whom one can't help but thinking of as somewhat otherworldy, was going to cope with this Force of Nature who had just invited herself into his life. I now see that I needn't have worried; you have all of this under control, and our Perce' turns out to be flesh and blood after all. Good for you, I say. And Luna... We do love Luna, especially your Luna, but I have to ask: is there anyone in the extended Potterverse she hasn't slept with?

Yours faithfully, and looking forward to more,

Sunday 8th August 2010 13:27Contrapunto (Author Response)
So ... When I first saw this I didn't realize it was meant to be a chaptered story (the first chapter would have stood up nicely on its own), so I followed the link you so thoughtfully provided, and very educational that turned out to be. But it did leave me wondering how Percy, whom one can't help but thinking of as somewhat otherworldy, was going to cope with this Force of Nature who had just invited herself into his life. I now see that I needn't have worried; you have all of this under control, and our Perce' turns out to be flesh and blood after all. Good for you, I say. And Luna... We do love Luna, especially your Luna, but I have to ask: is there anyone in the extended Potterverse she hasn't slept with?

Yours faithfully, and looking forward to more,


Ah. Luna. She's so... agreeable!

Let's see. In my little corner of the Potterverse (at least the one I've written about), she's been paired off with Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Dean, Neville, Pansy, Theodore, Daphne, Fred, George, Michael, Anthony (and many of these in combination, of course)... No Hufflepuffs yet. I'll have to do something about that!

And I'm so glad that you found Intermezzo ... educational. Maybe you can see now why the idea of Percy and Intermezzo!Audrey was so intriguing to me!

And yeah—Percy is kind of otherworldly in his outward behavior. But that doesn't mean that he's without sensuality. Just that he doesn't let it out for a run very often. He is, after all, a Weasley.

And thanks for sticking with me. I'm glad that my fics have continued to entertain.

Friday 30th July 2010 08:07
I just finished reading all three chapters and am eagerly anticipating chapter four's posting! I love Percy stories because people write him from such diverse perspectives. I absolutely love your version of Percy and how he finally is allowing himself become more relaxed. I love how tongue-tied he is over Audrey's shapeliness and the fact that he definitely is a red-blooded male through and through! She's the perfect match for him, too, since she rescued him so adroitly from 'Hysteria' and thoroughly embarrassed Malfoy in the process. Makes you wonder why Draco ended up with her, you know? Ah, but the big mystery is why Audrey is so alarmed that Ginny is marrying Harry. Can't wait for her explanation...
Thursday 5th August 2010 17:49Contrapunto (Author Response)
I just finished reading all three chapters and am eagerly anticipating chapter four's posting! I love Percy stories because people write him from such diverse perspectives. I absolutely love your version of Percy and how he finally is allowing himself become more relaxed. I love how tongue-tied he is over Audrey's shapeliness and the fact that he definitely is a red-blooded male through and through! She's the perfect match for him, too, since she rescued him so adroitly from 'Hysteria' and thoroughly embarrassed Malfoy in the process. Makes you wonder why Draco ended up with her, you know? Ah, but the big mystery is why Audrey is so alarmed that Ginny is marrying Harry. Can't wait for her explanation...

Hee. Yup. The big mystery.

I'm glad that you've enjoyed all of this. I had fun exploring Percy here—and I took my jumping off point mostly from Percy's last real appearance in canon, just before Fred's death. I'd like to think that he's more of a Weasley than he seems!

As for Audrey, I'm so glad that you enjoy her, too! I can't quite take credit--she was inspired by Irislock's character. :nods:
Saturday 24th July 2010 07:14
This is priceless!

Thanks you for providing a bright spot in what is proving to be a very difficult weekend.
Thursday 29th July 2010 05:28Contrapunto (Author Response)
This is priceless!

Thanks you for providing a bright spot in what is proving to be a very difficult weekend.

Thanks! And you are more than welcome.
Saturday 24th July 2010 03:39
Wow! Audrey and Percy are really moving along. That was great they way Audrey shot Asteria down. It was good to see his brothers teasing him but also standing up for him a little. But what is the story behind Harry and Audrey? Do they know each other? If so from where? Is she just shocked that Percy's sister is marrying "Harry Bloody Potter"? I look forward to more of this story. p
Thursday 29th July 2010 05:28Contrapunto (Author Response)
Wow! Audrey and Percy are really moving along. That was great they way Audrey shot Asteria down. It was good to see his brothers teasing him but also standing up for him a little. But what is the story behind Harry and Audrey? Do they know each other? If so from where? Is she just shocked that Percy's sister is marrying "Harry Bloody Potter"? I look forward to more of this story. p

Thanks! And more will come, I promise.
Friday 23rd July 2010 17:29
Interesting chapter, can't wait to find out what that's all aboutl
Thursday 29th July 2010 05:29Contrapunto (Author Response)
Interesting chapter, can't wait to find out what that's all aboutl

Heh! I'm glad. And more is coming, I promise!
Friday 23rd July 2010 05:09
Great chapter.
Friday 23rd July 2010 12:47Contrapunto (Author Response)
Great chapter.

Friday 23rd July 2010 00:30
UTOH, what's this all about................
Friday 23rd July 2010 12:56Contrapunto (Author Response)
UTOH, what's this all about................

All shall be revealed, I promise....
