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Reviews For Contrapunto by Antosha

Saturday 22nd March 2014 08:58
That was just Good fun to read. Thanks
Friday 5th November 2010 08:55
I love this!!! Good work.
Friday 5th November 2010 23:44Contrapunto (Author Response)
I love this!!! Good work.

Thanks so much! I'm glad that you enjoyed it.
Saturday 23rd October 2010 20:07
Oh, that was a lovely companion to Intermezzo. Audrey is such a great character! And your Percy is quite an interesting man too. I loved all of it, their flirting in the beginning, their openness with each other, the embarrassing situation, Ginny's reaction, Luna and the way they overcame the embarrassment. But there is a tiny mistake. In the first two chapters the wedding is on the 25th and from the third chapter onwards it's on the 23rd. I don't know if it is still possible to edit it.
Sunday 24th October 2010 18:30Contrapunto (Author Response)
Oh, that was a lovely companion to Intermezzo. Audrey is such a great character! And your Percy is quite an interesting man too. I loved all of it, their flirting in the beginning, their openness with each other, the embarrassing situation, Ginny's reaction, Luna and the way they overcame the embarrassment. But there is a tiny mistake. In the first two chapters the wedding is on the 25th and from the third chapter onwards it's on the 23rd. I don't know if it is still possible to edit it.

WHOOPS! Thanks so much for spotting that! I think that I had gone back to Intermezzo and doublechecked the dates, only to find that I'd been off when I started. It's never too late--I'll get Sherylyn to substitute the correct dates.

And thanks so much! I'm glad that you enjoyed this--and Intermezzo. Part of what inspired me in Irislock's story was the very grown-up way that the characters dealt with their feelings--not what one usually finds in fiction, or in fic. I wanted to keep that same sense of honesty and maturity--while still keeoing true to the characters as JKR and Irislock had written them. And of course, I loved Audrey! (And Ginny, and Luna, and...)
Sunday 19th September 2010 05:30
It is not entirely my style, but your characters are great. Well done.
Sunday 19th September 2010 22:42Contrapunto (Author Response)
It is not entirely my style, but your characters are great. Well done.

Thank you—and thank you for sticking through with it any way!

I hope that nothing pushed you too far out of your comfort zone.
Sunday 19th September 2010 01:25
Wow! This is really a randy chapter. Very well done. Luna as always is something else! I love Luna and all her excentricities. Percy and Audrey really got along very well with Harry and Ginny. I'm glad they both encouraged Percy to not let Audrey go. Percy's solution was great. I am so glad he asked the Minister for the job in America. This will work out very well. Thanks for writing. I'm sure this isn't the end of the story. Thank you again. p
Sunday 19th September 2010 22:45Contrapunto (Author Response)
Wow! This is really a randy chapter. Very well done. Luna as always is something else! I love Luna and all her excentricities. Percy and Audrey really got along very well with Harry and Ginny. I'm glad they both encouraged Percy to not let Audrey go. Percy's solution was great. I am so glad he asked the Minister for the job in America. This will work out very well. Thanks for writing. I'm sure this isn't the end of the story. Thank you again. p

Thanks you!

I'm glad that you liked Audrey and Percy, and that the conclusion of their story was satisfying for you. I certainly enjoyed writing it.