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Reviews For The New Professor by Musings

Thursday 7th December 2006 07:03
The New Professor
Just a clarification on your response to my review. I didn't say that you disliked Christ but that I did . If I were a Harry/Somebody Other Than Ginny shipper (why would I be reading here?), I might not see Chris as being in the way and so might even like him (after all, Harry's behavior is not exactly spotless here, even if my sympathies lie more with him).
Wednesday 6th December 2006 16:46
The New Professor
The scene at Hogsmeade was abolutely brilliant
'"Those Amazing Muggles" on the WBC' --
Why do I dislike Chris so much? (because this is a Harry/Ginny site, you git)
I guess that's Malfoy with poor Lindsay.
Wednesday 6th December 2006 16:57The New Professor (Author Response)
The scene at Hogsmeade was abolutely brilliant

Thanks! I have to admit I had the best time writing that chapter!

'"Those Amazing Muggles" on the WBC' --


Why do I dislike Chris so much? (because this is a Harry/Ginny site, you git)

I don't hate Christopher...but he's not the man for Ginny.

And if you think I hate him now...

I guess that's Malfoy with poor Lindsay.

Can't slip anything past you, can I?
Monday 17th July 2006 14:13
The New Professor
I still think Ron is a git. And maybe even a bigger one. And what does Draco want with that girl? And I don't know if I like that Olivander fellow.