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Reviews For Harry Potter: Sacrifice by Bear

senyah mastery
Thursday 7th October 2010 17:05
Harry Potter: Sacrifice
I am loving this story series so far... I wasn't to into it at the get go but it has grown on me. There are some spots that get to me but all in all I can't wait for the next chapter to come out.

Lyrad Senyah
Faithful Slytherin

senyah mastery
Wednesday 6th October 2010 22:24
Harry Potter: Sacrifice
I am loving this story series so far... I wasn't to into it at the get go but it has grown on me. There are some spots that get to me but all in all I can't wait for the next chapter to come out.

Lyrad Senyah
Faithful Slytherin

Thursday 7th October 2010 04:53Harry Potter: Sacrifice (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Monday 27th September 2010 10:53
Harry Potter: Sacrifice
Loved it... Can't wait for the next and I hope they can warn Hermione since I don't think Ginny and Harry will contact them soon enough
Monday 27th September 2010 15:43Harry Potter: Sacrifice (Author Response)
Monday 27th September 2010 00:14
Harry Potter: Sacrifice
Well Adam and Ginny are safe in the tent and Ginny was able to get a new wand and tell her brothers she is ok. That is a a big step. Now the Weasley's are aware that the ministry is deffinitely after all of them if they make one mistake. At least Molly and Arthur aren't upset about Ginny being alone with Adam. Now Adam just has to turn 17 and things will get better. I hope Adam realizes that Hermione might be at rist and can take her with them or send her and her family out of the country. I look forward to more of this story. p
Monday 27th September 2010 02:16Harry Potter: Sacrifice (Author Response)