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Reviews For Years by Sovran

Monday 25th October 2010 15:28
Beautiful. So much so I went back and read the whole trilogy again. Thank you for making my day that large bit better. As for The Meaning Of One, yes sir! Please post more, I am dying to see how it continues, it's been so long. Anyway, welcome back to the fanfiction world friend!

Sunday 24th October 2010 22:14
woh.... Im so confused! I re-read the other 2 stories before i read this but im still lost, which must mean it was a good story and worthy of literary merit
so i am sort of confused about the whole scene with ginevra and harry when harry was dead... and then the ending? What were they doing?
They werent all dead were they?
ahhh I hope you can clear some of this up for me
Sunday 24th October 2010 22:14
woh.... Im so confused! I re-read the other 2 stories before i read this but im still lost, which must mean it was a good story and worthy of literary merit
so i am sort of confused about the whole scene with ginevra and harry when harry was dead... and then the ending? What were they doing?
They werent all dead were they?
ahhh I hope you can clear some of this up for me
Sunday 24th October 2010 19:31
woh.... Im so confused! I re-read the other 2 stories before i read this but im still lost, which must mean it was a good story and worthy of literary merit
so i am sort of confused about the whole scene with ginevra and harry when harry was dead... and then the ending? What were they doing?
They werent all dead were they?
ahhh I hope you can clear some of this up for me