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Reviews For A Less-Than-Perfect Love by RSS

Saturday 4th December 2010 03:52
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
Things are moving along but Harry deffinitely has problems. Fleur is right to caution Ginny about getting too phsical with Harry too soon. It is sad about his drinking. It led to him forgetting about a possible dinner with Ron and George. He would have enjoyed their company. Harry is having warmer thoughts about Ginny but he will take a while to comes to grips with it. I think it is good that Ginny is looking into the Quidditch tryouts. She needs something besides school and Harry to think about right now. TI look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. p
Saturday 4th December 2010 14:39A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
I'm glad you pointed out that Harry's time spent drinking cost him to lose out on positive interaction with others. I agree that he would have enjoyed Ron and George's company! He had missed out on quite a few Sunday dinners at the Burrow, and other invitations from Ron too. Yes, it is definitely going to take more time for him to come around to realizing his feelings for Ginny... Thanks so much for reading and the great comments!