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Reviews For A Less-Than-Perfect Love by RSS

Saturday 15th October 2011 04:52
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
This is a good chapter, though it is a bit frustrating how Ginny's and Harry's conversation goes around in circles. Maybe it could have been pared down a bit. I appreciate your finess of showing how family members cannot act like therapists: they are way too close and too involved. So that is why Ginny is not the right person to help Harry: I address the people blaming Ginny, that she is just a teenager with less maturity and patience than adults. E.g. I do not wonder why Harry avoids visiting Hogwarts with all his flashbacks of corpses - but how would Ginny know that if never been told? And another word for the Harry haters: if he were a real USER of Ginnny, he would not have a problem lying to her, declaring undying love. The so-called USER part of his behavior comes of his needing a therapist, and seeing a therapist in Ginny when he is in emotional need : a situation that Ginny senses but evaluates wrong.
Hermione's behavior is great and in character. I only miss her not addressing Harry's "I am a nutter" thought by showing him how even her mom can have problems escalating. Normalcy is what psychologist consider a non-existent state: all people have mental and emotional problems, just "normal" people have a more moderate and manageable amount.
I have recently read up to chapter 22 and looking forward for your next chapter.
Sunday 14th August 2011 13:30
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
Very well written.
Thursday 14th April 2011 20:17
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
Monday 28th March 2011 02:45
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
This looks like the bottom of the barrel for Ginny and Harry. I know she thinks she is doing the right thing but if someone I loved was recovering from a war I would want them to share what they could and be there when they needed quiet comfort. The wizarding world is way behind the muggles when it come to phsycology. Hermione at least tried to get through to Harry. All the personal problems that hit him all at once were too much for him in his condition. Now he is making it worse by running away. I look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing a difficult story that has a lot of human truth in it. p
Monday 21st March 2011 04:07
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
Greatly enjoying the story. It's nice to read a fanfic with such a detailed exploration of the relationship between Harry and Ginny, that still moves along at a good pace and doesn't get too formulaic or overly sentimental. Looking forward to the next instalment. Don't keep Harry away too long! Number one, it will suck energy out of the story to concentrate on them individually for too long. Number two, your readers couldn't bear it!
Well done,
Monday 21st March 2011 02:52
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
Greatly enjoying the story. It's nice to read a fanfic with such a detailed exploration of the relationship between Harry and Ginny, that still moves along at a good pace and doesn't get too formulaic or overly sentimental. Looking forward to the next instalment. Don't keep Harry away too long! Number one, it will suck energy out of the story to concentrate on them individually for too long. Number two, your readers couldn't bear it!
Well done,
Sunday 27th March 2011 11:18A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
I'm glad you think the pace is good. Alot of people might categorize it as 'slow' but all in all I'm very thorough when it comes to my writing... he won't stay away too long, don't worry! Thanks Andrew! Your review is much appreciated and hope to hear from you soon. -Rebecca
Saturday 12th March 2011 21:10
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
i wonder where harry is going
Sunday 27th March 2011 11:16A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
You and everyone else! All will be answered soon....
Tuesday 8th March 2011 06:29
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
I want to thank you for this outstandig fanfiction, and especially this chapter! I’ve really enjoyed reading it, and I think it’s a good turn for the story letting Harry leave. Both for the change of scenery, and the consequences it will make.
I also have to say that I love how you’ve developed Ginny, although I can’t see why she didn’t even answer Harry’s letter.
Loking forward to your next chapter!
Sunday 27th March 2011 11:16A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
Hello! Sorry it's taken me so long to respond to this review! I appreciate the feedback so much. I'm glad you think that Harry leaving was a good turn for the story. I will explain why Ginny didn't answer Harry's letter in the next few chapters. Thanks!
Monday 7th March 2011 22:52
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
I hope you have not written yourself into a corner with this storyline, I can't see a plausible way out of this situation, with a happy ending.
If I was in Harrys shoes I would see this as a total betrayal and rejection. Ginny didn't even have the decency to answer his letter. It should be obvious to Ginny that he does love her but he is an 18 year old boy and with his upbringing and life experience is it any wonder that he is confused and cannot articulate his feelings.She should have had a little more patience.
Ginny has loved Harry since she was 10 years old I really cannot see her doing this to him, after all he died for her and came back for her.
Please finish the story I am intrigued as to how it will be resolved.
Monday 7th March 2011 22:45
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
I hope you have not written yourself into a corner with this storyline, I can't see a plausible way out of this situation, with a happy ending.
If I was in Harrys shoes I would see this as a total betrayal and rejection. Ginny didn't even have the decency to answer his letter. It should be obvious to Ginny that he does love her but he is an 18 year old boy and with his upbringing and life experience is it any wonder that he is confused and cannot articulate his feelings.She should have had a little more patience.
Ginny has loved Harry since she was 10 years old I really cannot see her doing this to him, after all he died for her and came back for her.
Please finish the story I am intrigued as to how it will be resolved.
Sunday 27th March 2011 11:15A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
I will definitely finish the story, and no, I've not written myself into a corner. I've thought about what you've said once or twice in the past few weeks, and I definitely agree that if I wasn't the one writing it, I would be a bit skeptical myself! Thanks for the feedback. Sorry it took so long to respond to you. I hope you'll let me know your thoughts in the future...- R
Friday 18th February 2011 07:52
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
gr8 chapter cant wait for the next one plz do makeit fast
Saturday 19th February 2011 13:03A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
I'll try! I'm not making any promises, real life is busy but I am hoping to update sometime in March! Thanks!
Wednesday 16th February 2011 00:05
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
how many more chapters till this ends?make sure its a happy ending.or................
Saturday 19th February 2011 13:04A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
Of course, all happy all honestly, I've planned ten chapters more, but it may hover above or below that...thanks!
Tuesday 15th February 2011 19:18
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
Wow... I really wasn't sure until the end whether Ginny would follow through with her plans or not. It was fascinating how you told us what each of them were thinking, that really was convincing. I can't wait for the next update!

But please, this is going to end well, I hope?
Saturday 19th February 2011 13:06A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
Yes, it will end well! I promise, promise that. I am writing in canon universe here so it has to. I'm glad you found the thought process of each character to be convincing! Yes, I agree that Ginny faltered at certain points during that conversation which was to be expected. Glad your looking forward to more and thanks for leaving your comments! -R
Tuesday 15th February 2011 15:42
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
An intense chapter, I loved it. But, contrary to most your fans, I don't blame Harry in this chapter. Well, he should see Dr. Nutters of course, but other than that, I was terribly sorry for the poor boy who doesn't have anyone to love him right now. she has all her family, that isn't really available for him now.

I think Ginny is the one who has to get her head out of her . If she only really listened to what Harry is saying and if she took in consideration all his history, she would just know that the best for both of them was if she just give some time. Why do they need to define what they will need in the distant future? She should show him that she needs him to show her more things like how he misses her or how he finds her beautiful, those little things that are the parts of what he feels for her that he is aware of. and she could help him find help with more experienced people. the poor boy doesn't have anyone he can talk to.
Saturday 19th February 2011 13:10A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
Alot of people are torn between being on Harry's side and on Ginny's. I definitely see both sides myself. I know that some people think that Ginny's being an impatient, emotional bully, but then again Harry's put her through a ton of grief this past autumn and her approach is really fueled by that. I definitely think that is why she has to take a step back. It's not to punish Harry, it's for herself as well. I know Harry needs someone to talk to which is why he should go to Dr. Nutters he's just not ready to. Thanks for your thoughts and I hope you will continue to let me know what your thinking! -R
Tuesday 15th February 2011 11:01
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
Hello R!
Wow this was such an intense chapter! I can't wait to read what happens next. I hope Harry stops acting like such a daft dimbo!
And yes, Ginny is completely right in breaking things off.. for now.
Please update soon!
P.S. And in case you missed it, I loved this chapter!
Saturday 19th February 2011 13:02A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
I hope Harry stops acting like such a daft dimbo!
Oh my goodness, how funny! As I'm sure you already know, many other readers feel the same way! I'm glad that you liked this chapter and agree that for now this is the right thing for Harry and Ginny. Thanks! -R
Tuesday 15th February 2011 02:44
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
Wow! Harry really needed to hear what Hermione and Ginny had to say. I can see where Ginny is coming from but she took Harry's biggest support away when he really needed it most. Now he is running away without telling anyone that he is even going. This is good and bad. I hope he finds what he really needs or comes back to find what he left behind. I look forward to more of this story. He really needed to talk to Dr. Nutter as he thinks of him. Thanks for writing. p
Tuesday 15th February 2011 10:30A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
He really needed to talk to Dr. Nutter as he thinks of him.

Thanks an interesting comment, Patches. I only wish that Harry were more aware- at this point in time- that he needs help. It was a big step for Hermione to finally gather up the nerve to confront Harry on the issue, and of course she has shared her two cents with Ginny. I know Ginny is abandoning Harry when he most needs her, but things could not continue on between them the way they were. Ginny does not abandon Harry either, as she is always there for him as a friend! That is something that Harry has the choice to accept or not to, of course. Thanks for the great review Patches. I always look forward to your comments and I'm glad you're reading along! - R
Monday 14th February 2011 13:06
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
i love this chapter hopfully there wil bie a next want sooon i do hope dat harry hanely higers out dat hy loves giny plus i tink it woud be fun if he went to some place exotic
Tuesday 15th February 2011 10:26A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
It's funny you should say you think it would be fun if he went somewhere was hard to finally narrow it down to a place for Harry to go! I'm glad you enjoyed reading this!
Monday 14th February 2011 12:13
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
Wow! This was fantastic! I'm so anxious to know what happens! What a cliff-hanger! I'm very much looking forward to the next update! Great job!
Tuesday 15th February 2011 10:24A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
Hey there! Thank you! I'm so glad you feel that I did a great job
Monday 14th February 2011 11:25
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
I'm really torn about this chapter. I think that it is well written and I enjoyed it but the fact that Harry is destroying himself is disheartining. I'm not really sure where you are going with this is Harry going to get his head out of his butt or what. Can't wait for the next installment.
Tuesday 15th February 2011 10:22A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
Oh how funny...loads of my readers are looking forward to seeing Harry getting his 'head out of his butt'...or arse...or what-have-you. I actually think I can rename the story, 'the story of how Harry Potter finally got his head out of his arse.' Lol...I assure you that he will...eventually! I'm glad you are waiting for more! Thanks for these comments! I appreciate them very much.
Sunday 13th February 2011 22:51
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
hello. i like the way you described g/h relationship, so hard and difficult for them, but now with harry missing i dont what to expect.
good writing, it's keeps me waiting for your next chapter.
hope you update faster.

Tuesday 15th February 2011 10:18A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
Thanks Fio. I hope I update faster too! We'll see what happens in the next few weeks, and if I am able to find the time. I'm glad that you think the writing is good. I work so hard on these chapters, so that is a great compliment for me! I appreciate your comments as always and am looking forward to reading more of your thoughts in the future!