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Reviews For Harry Potter: Sacrifice by Bear

Thursday 17th November 2011 11:26
Harry Potter: Sacrifice
How does LV know that Harry would come find him and not let people die for him? Harry is relatively unknown to everyone and doesn't have the "people saving thing" in this story.

And "Adam" is only really close with Ginny.

Good story.
Tuesday 10th May 2011 20:39
Harry Potter: Sacrifice
Awesome work can't wait for more
Tuesday 3rd May 2011 09:33
Harry Potter: Sacrifice
hey great story..... update soon cant wait to
Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley
Sunday 24th April 2011 11:58
Harry Potter: Sacrifice
Tuesday 19th April 2011 05:02
Harry Potter: Sacrifice
This is really good. I'm so glad that Adam/Harry came clean with McGonagal. She needed to know who he really is. He explained enough that she knows who he really is and that Dubledore set they all up in a way. I'm so glad he found Ginny. He needs her to do what he must. It looks like he has to face Voldemort now. I look forward to more of this story. One of my favorite scenes is when Harry tells Voldemort off and then kills him with an expelliarmus charm. Thanks for wriititing. I am really enjoying this story. pms
Monday 25th April 2011 13:56Harry Potter: Sacrifice (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it.