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Reviews For For Love of Family by Arnel

Saturday 5th November 2011 09:47
For Love of Family
So glad Ron has matured enough to put his old grudge against Malfoy aside, and it was lovely to see Hermione so supportive or Ron - they really have matured together and their love is still so strong and as precious as when we all saw their first kiss.

My god, I hate that matron!
Saturday 5th November 2011 22:44For Love of Family (Author Response)
Hee, hee, I think every one of my readers hates the Matron. It's good to know that I can write a truly vile character because she's the first one I've attempted: negative characters like Snape and Bellatrix have always given me problems because I find it very hard to think like a mean character. I'm tickled pink that you hate her, too!

Writing Ron and Hermione now that they are closer to my own age has been really fun. I've always thought that time and more responsibility would mature Ron more than anything and I think making him the lead Auror on Harry's case has done him good because he's now seen the changes in Draco that Harry's witnessed over the years and he can now put aside their school animosity and really see who Draco has become. They may never be chummy with each other, but at least Ron has decided to bury the hatchet, so to speak. Thanks for writing to me.
Thursday 8th September 2011 00:33
For Love of Family
This is a very good chapter. It looks like the Matron is working on her final attack. I was not surprising that she sent Dawson to set traps for Draco. It was surprising when Dawson attacked Draco and even dueled him. Draco did a good job of fighting him. It was smart to move out of the offices into the warehouse. Ron was stilted in his investigation of what happened to Draco at the warehouse but Ron did a good job and he was a lot more agreeable than Draco expected. that was very good. Now Ron has more information about the Matron and he can track Dawson's movements if he puts a tracking charm on him. The Matron's Imperious Curse will deffinitely be a problem. I hope Ron can use the information to capture the Matron. I look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. I missed you last Thursday but I know real life can interupt all our plans. p
Thursday 8th September 2011 10:33For Love of Family (Author Response)
The fact that this chapter wasn't validated until yesterday was all my fault. I'd forgotten to send the final version back to Aggiebell and we didn't realize my mistake until after I sent her today's chapter. I'm sorry if I've disappointed anyone.

Tim Dawson is not a nice wizard. He has a mean streak a mile wide and won't do just what he's told quite often as he feels he needs to put his "signature" on whatever task he's been assigned by the Matron. That's why he attacked Draco in the warehouse.

As for Ron's treatment of Draco, his old prejudices were coloring how he conducted the interview. In my opinion, he should have been more open-minded towards Draco, but grudges and rivalries run deep sometimes...

Yes, I agree that Ron now has more information about who is doing what in the case and possibly their status in the Matron's organization, but he doesn't have any knowledge of where to find Dawson until he shows up somewhere... and by then it's usually too late to try to put a tracking spell on him.

Thanks for reading and letting me know what you think of my chapters. Until next Thursday...
Grandma Kate
Wednesday 7th September 2011 20:43
For Love of Family
I am so impressed with how well you write the grown-up Ron.
Wednesday 7th September 2011 22:40For Love of Family (Author Response)
I think I write him so well because I see my husband in Ron at this age. It's really easy to write what you know and a forty-one-year-old wizard is what I know, even though we both passed that particular age up several years ago. I'm really glad you like my grown-up Ron. Thanks for commenting. More coming on Thursday...
Wednesday 7th September 2011 16:43
For Love of Family
What a marvelous, marvelous chapter! Loved the action in the warehouse! Draco was the wrong dude to mess with! He certainly hasn't lost much of his dueling touch! Dim Tim was lucky he escaped intact! He was such a nitwit on his mission that the matron would have been better off sending a flying monkey(oops, wrong story again)! I wonder if the dingdong was spared because it dawned on the old crone that she was the idiot that was dumb enough to send the idiot?! Oh well, can't wait til Ron's meeting and the classified mission! Don't leave me panting for long!
Thursday 8th September 2011 06:46For Love of Family (Author Response)
The character of Draco Malfoy as an adult is intriguing to me. His family went through so much when he was younger which most likely left him as an outcast in the Wizarding world. I imagine that he kept up his dueling skills as much to be agile and quick in a duel as using the skill to let off steam from whatever humiliations were heaped upon him.

You're right about Dim Tim. The Matron is so busy doing other evil things that she sometimes doesn't use the best judgement, mainly sending someone to do her dirty work who also has delusions of grandeur about himself. That's what nearly caught him at Draco's warehouse.

The next chapter with Ron's meeting will be out very soon, so check back later to see if it's been validated. Thanks for commenting.