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Reviews For For Love of Family by Arnel

Sunday 15th April 2018 12:18
For Love of Family
I'm a little confused as to why they can't arrest Matron if they know who she is, or why they allow her to keep on working? Also, grand mum isn't a term used for a grandmother, it's usually grandma, grandmother, nana, nanny etc. Other than that, I am loving the whole story, I honestly am, I love the way everybody is interacting, not immediately solving problems, but are able to (eventually) talk through them. Thank you x
Sunday 15th April 2018 23:05For Love of Family (Author Response)
I began writing this story in 2011 and finished publishing it in 2012. It's been a while since I even looked at the story, so I'll do my best to answer your question. I think why I kept her on at St Mungo's is that the Aurors needed more evidence that she was harming patients, what she was harming them with and who else in the wards was "working" for her. Once they had sufficient evidence of these crimes, they did put the effort into capturing her.

Thank you for setting me straight about the Grandmum term. I'm an American trying to sound British, so I don't always get things correct. I'll make sure this piece of information is noted in one of my reference books.

I'm glad you're enjoying the story. Thanks for reading.
Monday 7th November 2011 12:52
For Love of Family
Fantastic chapter. Ron is so incredibly Brave for going on this mission and I enjoyed the part where he absolutely stood his ground on the use of an unforgivable - even in these circumstances.

Harry may be able to walk again! How fantastic! 'His normal' - what a great way of wording it. After such an accident, I imagine it is hard to adjust to loosing your old 'normal' and developing a new way of life and living!
Monday 7th November 2011 23:51For Love of Family (Author Response)
Some of my readers have substituted "foolhardy" for "brave" because if the mission fails, Ron has just condemned himself to a life in a wheelchair needlessly. However, he still has his convictions that certain spells shouldn't be used and he'll stand by those forever and always.

Yes, Silvia has made it official, Harry will begin pre-walking exercises after he gets back to The Groves after Christmas. If he really wants to walk badly enough, he'll make the progress needs to strengthen his muscles and learn to walk. According to the friend who is helping me with this story, finding one's new "normal" is a very frustrating process at times.

Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts on this chapter.
Friday 9th September 2011 14:16
For Love of Family
This is an excellent chapter. I'm so glad that Harry is starting to work on his mobility of his legs. I understand that Silvia worked on his mobility in the chair first so he could get around and learn to care for himself. That was a huge success when Harry was able to get around, get in and out of his chair on his own and even going up and down stairs. Of course he had to work on his upper body strength to do all of that. Now he is ready to start working on learning to use his legs again. That will greatly improve his feelings of self worth. The fact that his vision is improving and he understands that he may not achieve a total recovery back to where he was before the injury is acceptance. That is good because Harry wants more than anything to be able to do what he did before. Now he is accepting that may never happen but he is going to work toward that goal. Thanks for writing such an indepth story. I look forward to when Harry tells Ginny that he will be able to walk again. p
Saturday 5th November 2011 23:18For Love of Family (Author Response)
Silvia actually told Ginny that Harry would be starting leg exercises after the holidays, so it's not a new thing for her. You're right about Harry's outlook on life becoming much better with the work he's now puting in to learning to walk all over again. All along, Silvia has hinted that if he wants something bad enough--like going back to work--he just might be able to accomplish that goal.

I'm glad you liked the chapter enough to let me know you do. I look forward to reading more of your reviews.
Grandma Kate
Thursday 8th September 2011 20:28
For Love of Family
Ah yes, Harry's physical therapy reminds me of the exercises my physical therapist had me do after my knee replacement. Doing too much too fast is worse than taking it easy and slow.
Friday 9th September 2011 01:17For Love of Family (Author Response)
Harry is all fired up and ready to push himself too much in order walk sooner. Unfortunately, that attitude, as you know, isn't conducive to healing and making progress, so he'd best be served to add a little patience to his daily routine. Thanks for sharing your experience with me.
Thursday 8th September 2011 18:46
For Love of Family
Well zippadeedoodah! You were Quickdraw McGraw on this update! Ron's plan sounds complicated, dangerous yet brillitant! I hope the wicked witch walks right into it! She is really a twit, though! Going after Draco once was an unmitigated disaster! Now she's going to take another shot at him!?! She's missing a couple of slices from her loaf of bread! Really enjoyed the scenes with Harry - he is back in rehab with a vengence and his confidence and determination are higher than the Hogwart's towers! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Friday 9th September 2011 01:24For Love of Family (Author Response)
Your comment on my update quickness comes from the fact that I forgot to send Aggiebell the final version of last week's chapter last Wednesday. We discovered that little faux pas on Tuesday. Oops.

The Wicked Witch does have a problem with her minions, especially Dawson because he doesn't follow directions very well. He has to add his own signature to any assignment she gives him, so actually confronting Draco outright was his idea, not hers.

And yes, Harry is back in rehab doing what he does best; push himself so he can get where he wants to quicker. There's more rehab coming in the next chapter.

I'm glad you liked the chapter. Thanks for reading. See you next Thursday...
Thursday 8th September 2011 12:52
For Love of Family
Great chapter, keep on writing
Friday 9th September 2011 01:25For Love of Family (Author Response)
Glad you liked it. There's more coming next Thursday. Until then...
Thursday 8th September 2011 12:01
For Love of Family
Why are there no reviews for this chapter? This is the second time tonight I have read it here and elsewhere. Come on readers. Leave a comment.
Sunday 6th November 2011 00:03For Love of Family (Author Response)