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Reviews For For Love of Family by Arnel

Friday 16th September 2011 13:47
For Love of Family
I really like this chapter. It is great that Harry and Ginny are finally getting together intimately. Even though it isn't normal it is caring for each other and working to make their more private lives better for each other. That is what loving couples do for each other. Thanks for writing. I look forward to more of this story. p
Friday 16th September 2011 15:10For Love of Family (Author Response)
Harry and Ginny are going to need to do some experimenting to find out what their new "normal" is going to be, since Harry will never be able to do everything he did easily before his accident. However, that doesn't mean they can't express their love for each just intimately and I don't think they'll let a little thing like Harry's paralysis stop them. I'll update again next Thursday. Until then...