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Reviews For For Love of Family by Arnel

Saturday 17th September 2011 21:53
For Love of Family
So sorry I was absent last chapter. this having a job and going to school every day is seriously eating into my R&R (reading and reviewing). I really enjoyed both chapters. Of course, last chapter I started getting very worried about Ron; Harry will be devastated if the plan doesn't work and Ron is really hurt. The mischief this chapter was very welcome; it was wonderful to see Harry and Ginny rekindling that side of their relationship. The bit at the end where Harry found out that Healer Stilwell knew what they were doing was quite funny.
Sunday 18th September 2011 00:28For Love of Family (Author Response)
Please don't apologize for being busy. Real life has a way of getting in the way of our R&R so that we can never get enough of it. I have that problem, too.

Everyone who reviewed last chapter has misgivings about Ron's plan to capture the Matron, mostly because of what it would do to Harry if Ron ended up paralyzed. There'll be more about the plan next chapter.

The ending to this chapter practically wrote itself. It wasn't hard to imagine that for all their secrecy, something had to trip Harry and Ginny up so that they learned it was all right for them to pursue their relationship and find out what their new "normal" would eventually be. Harry is definitely a happy but embarrassed man.

Thanks for the review. I hope you get the chance to review next week. Until Thursday...
Friday 16th September 2011 17:14
For Love of Family
This is now one of my favorite chapters so far and I am still having a hard time stopping my laughter! Wasn't expecting a nearly x-rated chapter but it sure was alot of fun! And it certainly did wonders for Harry's confidence not to mention his and Ginny's relationship! Too bad they missed that other camera! Gotta hand it to Stilwell, he played the straightman role beautifully! Can't wait for the next chapter, Arnel! I pay homage to you and this magnificent story!
Friday 16th September 2011 20:06For Love of Family (Author Response)
Just so you know, you chose the "Mature" rated version of the chapter--there is a "Teen" version for those whoand I appreciate it, even if it left you laughing and blushing to the roots of your hair. You're right, this bit of mischief was good for Harry and Ginny, even if the guard ended up getting an eyeful. Now Healer Stilwell has more evidence that Harry's recovery is on the up and up as well as getting some fun out of playing the straight man. I'm so glad you liked the chapter. The next update will be next Thursday. Until then...