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Reviews For Mischievously Magical Brewery by mutt n feathers

Tuesday 29th October 2013 09:25
Mischievously Magical Brewery
I'm delighted to discover you had put up several more chapters in my absence from PSN.

You've a well-rounded story here, it flows well and holds reader attention.

Thanks for writing and sharing it, I'm looking forward to reading more.
Saturday 8th October 2011 13:38
Mischievously Magical Brewery
I Love Your stories!
Sunday 9th October 2011 08:53Mischievously Magical Brewery (Author Response)
Thank you so much. I'm glad you're enjoying reading them.
Grandma Kate
Saturday 1st October 2011 06:37
Mischievously Magical Brewery
This is a charming chapter giving us information and showing how close the two couples have grown to each other. I liked Ginny's analogy about the relationship Harry and Hermione share-
At one point I was jealous of the time he spent with her, and how easy things were between them. I thought she was my rival. Instead, she was my biggest supporter. The relationship they shared was similar to mine with Bill. He was the brother I could tell anything to, share my secrets and wishes, and I knew he’d always keep them private. With all they’d endured together, Hermione was the one person who’d never left Harry, the one person he could fully trust, even with his life. They had moved beyond friendship, they were siblings in every way which mattered.

Saturday 1st October 2011 08:05Mischievously Magical Brewery (Author Response)
Thanks so much. It's fun to write young adults figuring out what life is really about, and not the junk they thought was important when they were younger.

Thanks for reading and reviewing,