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Reviews For Vis Insita by Caleb Nova

Saturday 7th June 2014 11:59
Vis Insita
Not much to say about this, enjoyable as usual, like the way it follows the story, but with just enough difference to make you wonder where it'll go.
Thank you, Sue x
Tuesday 17th June 2014 23:08Vis Insita (Author Response)
TTM was more experimental in that sense. Vis will begin to diverge more dramatically as it progresses.
Wednesday 13th February 2013 21:50
Vis Insita
Ok, I'm now driving myself crazy trying to figure out the sock drawer clue, and trying to think if I've forgotten it from TTM. Haven't got a clue on Ginny's gift, either, though that one doesn't bug me for some reason. Probably because we have theoretically been privy to all of Scott and Dumbledore's interactions, and I recall nothing of said drawer. Ah well, so much for getting some sleep- I must forge on into the next chapter to satisfy my curiosity!
Friday 15th February 2013 20:26Vis Insita (Author Response)
Ok, I'm now driving myself crazy trying to figure out the sock drawer clue, and trying to think if I've forgotten it from TTM. Haven't got a clue on Ginny's gift, either, though that one doesn't bug me for some reason. Probably because we have theoretically been privy to all of Scott and Dumbledore's interactions, and I recall nothing of said drawer.

Afraid you'll have to wait longer to satisfy your curiosity. Scott has yet to open the strongbox.
Sunday 14th October 2012 19:25
Vis Insita
Hi there! Don't let those video games distract you too much... This is getting really exciting as it's diverging more and more from canon. Great job!
Monday 15th October 2012 18:07Vis Insita (Author Response)
Hi there! Don't let those video games distract you too much...

Oh, man. If only I could.

This is getting really exciting as it's diverging more and more from canon. Great job!

Yes, I do start to deviate more than I did in TTM.
Wednesday 30th May 2012 19:00
Vis Insita
I really love this fanfic. I hope you're going to finish it, it would be a shame if you didn't.
It's a very interesting view on what could have happened if there was some sort of outside interference like this.
So, as I said, I really hope you're going to continue this story! in the meantime, I'm going to re-read That Terrifying Momentum.
Saturday 25th August 2012 01:23Vis Insita (Author Response)
I know, I need to continue. Losing my progress and my computer at the same time has been a difficult blow to shake off... not that I was doing that great with timely updates before hand. The incredible lateness of this reply is evidence enough of that.
Monday 13th February 2012 15:49
Vis Insita
I really couldn't care less about canon consistency as long as you're writing a good story (Which you are doing). I love the idea of muggle firearms trumping deatheater magic. That's gotta really old Voldy off. So as long as you let Scott knock off a few DEs every few chapters I'll be a happy reader.

Thanks for writing.
Saturday 25th August 2012 01:22Vis Insita (Author Response)
I don't know about 'trumping' necessarily. Competing, yes. And if I had Scott kill a couple of Death Eaters every single chapter, wouldn't you be bored of it before long?
Monday 13th February 2012 11:08
Vis Insita
Interesting chapter. I was expecting a bigger yelling match. No blood spilled. As a useless aside, I put "something that was supposed to happen" into google and got some very strange answers.
Tuesday 21st February 2012 11:38Vis Insita (Author Response)
I bet you did. But it's not an outside reference, it's internal, so I doubt there were any clues to be found.
Friday 10th February 2012 10:09
Vis Insita
Once again, marvelous work.

I do have a question for once, one that has been bugging me for quite a while.

How does Scott always know what time it is?

Tuesday 21st February 2012 11:46Vis Insita (Author Response)
I debated whether or not to answer this question, since I generally prefer to leave some things to be explained in the narrative, and a great many more things not explained at all. In this case, I guess it's not a big deal.

Scott's awareness of time is a combination of his eccentricities and his near-Liberi level connection to the shape. Or, if you will, a bit of OCD and a bit of ESP. He doesn't consciously keep track of time; he doesn't have to. He just knows it.

It's important to delineate the role of the shape in this because Scott doesn't exhibit the traits of a savant in regards to mathematics. As you've seen over the course of the story, he's erratically (perhaps sporadically) brilliant in some ways but that's not one of them. He's in tune with the invisible ticking of the shape, as the universe rolls over from second to second, expanding at a steady rate as galaxies disperse while gravity and heat flicker and fade too slowly to be recognized. I kind of like that last sentence, so don't be surprised if it shows up in the story at some point.

In short, he just knows what time it is. Some part of his brain has latched onto it. If you'll remember, in TTM when he wakes up in the hospital after his brush with death there's a period when he *doesn't* know what time is.