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Reviews For For Love of Family by Arnel

Monday 19th March 2012 16:15
For Love of Family
This is a great celebration of triumph over evil. Harry has overcome so much and to be comfortable to appear at an event like this in a wheelchair was terrific. Thank goodness the trial is over and the Matron got what she deserved. The auction was a great idea and people were sure to open their purses more with a good meal behind them. The family joining together to bid on the Bahama vacations was wonderful. I'm so glad that Arthur appreciated the care a love from all of his children. I love the fact that Harry bought the pearls for Ginny. I'm sure she was pleased. You and your betas did an excellent job on this one. Very well done. Thanks for writing. p
Monday 19th March 2012 21:54For Love of Family (Author Response)
Harry buying the pearls for Ginny is a real life story. Years ago, I was teaching at a private school which had an auction like this and unbeknownst to me, my husband bid on and won a set of pearls for me... outbidding the headmaster of the school who wanted them for his wife! Like Ginny I was tremendously pleased and I still wear the necklace as often as I can.

I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for reading and writing to me. The next chapter will be up on Thursday.
Monday 19th March 2012 12:40
For Love of Family
Great Chapter! Nice change of pace with everyone happy!
Monday 19th March 2012 21:49For Love of Family (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it. It was a fun chapter to write. Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Thursday 15th March 2012 21:53
For Love of Family
I loved this chapter! The downtime with Ron and HArry at the beginning was great, and I love that they were so honest with the waitress, even though they didn't actually consume more than one bottle from the pub's stock.

The fundraiser was absolutely fantastic; I love how everyone in Harry's extended family is now financially comfortable enough to be able to participate in the contributions and auctions. Ginny really was a wonderful choice to co-chair. May all future events be as successful! Cheers!
Thursday 15th March 2012 23:27For Love of Family (Author Response)
Honesty is the best policy when you're job is in law enforcement. What sort of example would they be setting if they only paid for half of what they consumed?

As for Ginny and the auction, I like to think she actually enjoys helping Madam Offerman with St Mungo's fundraising activities, not only because the patients benefit from the money raised, but because she's found an activity she finds personally fulfilling. With Ginny helping to organize this auction and future events, I think the hospital will reap the benefits.

One of the themes I've been pursuing throughout this story is overcoming adversity and throughout canon Arthur and Molly were always strapped for cash. As I thought about the changes that could take place during the twenty years following the war, I knew that the money Arthur and Molly spent to educate their family could and would be channeled different places, meaning that it was time they reaped the benefits of not having school tuition expenses. Besides, as adults, their children have made names for themselves through their successful careers, which enables them to rally around a worthwhile cause like St Mungo's Hospital.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Grandma Kate
Thursday 15th March 2012 20:45
For Love of Family
You had me at
the Muggle pub, The Seldom Inn
. You do very well with place and proper names.

You have written a smashing chapter, full of love and humor. Well done.
Thursday 15th March 2012 23:05For Love of Family (Author Response)
To be honest, I didn't make up the name of the pub. There really is a Seldom Inn and I drive past it every Monday evening on my way to a piano lesson.

After all the angst, it was nice to write a bit of Weasley/Potter fluff. Thanks for reading.