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Reviews For Vis Insita by Caleb Nova

Monday 9th June 2014 03:12
Vis Insita
Great that the horrible old woman, Mrs Black, was contained by Scott! I'm glad they actually went back to the grim old place, I like that house, even though Harry doesn't!
Thank you for writing, Sue x
Tuesday 17th June 2014 23:12Vis Insita (Author Response)
It made sense for them to go there, as a base of operations. I wouldn't have minded a change of scenery, but I followed the logic.
The Pharaoh
Wednesday 19th June 2013 00:49
Vis Insita
I've noticed a couple subtle ways I feel like you may be trying to show Ginny's relative naiveté compared to the Trio and Scott. Then again, people seem to read too much into stuff you write a lot, going from previous reviews. However, she also is definitely more explicitly aggressive in her romantic approach towards Harry than my impression of her from the books and most fanfiction (though the second shouldn't really count). She's more subtle in the books. Of course, Scott's presence makes room for some creative characterization license. It could be a result of being emboldened by Scott's directness rubbing off on her, or it could be her way of coping with all the stress that's happened recently, or any number of other explanations.
Two small corrections during the sweep of the Black house: (1) When Scott mentions a thread close to Snape's in the charm, Hermione says "Who's?" In the interest of preserving the near-immaculate standards of your writing, I feel compelled to point out that it should be "Whose?" (2) The old Headmaster's name is Phineas Nigellus, not Phineas Black.
Wednesday 14th August 2013 18:27Vis Insita (Author Response)
I've noticed a couple subtle ways I feel like you may be trying to show Ginny's relative naiveté compared to the Trio and Scott. Then again, people seem to read too much into stuff you write a lot, going from previous reviews. However, she also is definitely more explicitly aggressive in her romantic approach towards Harry than my impression of her from the books and most fanfiction (though the second shouldn't really count). She's more subtle in the books.

She has her reasons. Perhaps they may be explored at some point...

Two small corrections during the sweep of the Black house: (1) When Scott mentions a thread close to Snape's in the charm, Hermione says "Who's?" In the interest of preserving the near-immaculate standards of your writing, I feel compelled to point out that it should be "Whose?"

Yet another thing to fix. I should keep a changelog.

The old Headmaster's name is Phineas Nigellus, not Phineas Black.

Nigellus is actually his middle name, I did research that.
Thursday 23rd May 2013 19:33
Vis Insita
Well done. I'm looking forward to that rescue mission
Saturday 25th May 2013 19:40Vis Insita (Author Response)
The rescue mission is now posted!
Wednesday 8th May 2013 10:55
Vis Insita
This is such a great story. It really is, and I'm not just saying that to make you feel good. Just thought you might like the encouragement to continue writing.
Wednesday 8th May 2013 23:52Vis Insita (Author Response)
I always appreciate the encouragement. In this case, however, the next chapter was submitted a number of weeks ago. Sherry has just been so busy that she hasn't gotten around to posting it yet. Her schedule permitting, it will be here soon.
Tuesday 5th March 2013 19:44
Vis Insita
This is great. When I found out that you continued, I was so excited. I don't think you understand how excited I was. Usually, when a story is incomplete, I don't read it, because I just don't have the patience to wait for chapters to come out, but I couldn't just forget about this story, it's too great! I can't wait to see what happens next!

Oh, I feel like I should also tell you that I've only ever reviewed your stories. They're the only ones that made me feel like they were just so awesome and I had to tell you that I thought so.

Please continue. This is really my favorite fanfic of all time. Or at least one of them.

I feel like I may have a few questions, but not at the moment because I forgot. OK I'm off to re-read That Terrifying Momentum. Hopefully, by the time I'm done and back to this chapter, there'll be more!

Friday 8th March 2013 01:49Vis Insita (Author Response)
This is great. When I found out that you continued, I was so excited. I don't think you understand how excited I was. Usually, when a story is incomplete, I don't read it, because I just don't have the patience to wait for chapters to come out, but I couldn't just forget about this story, it's too great! I can't wait to see what happens next!

I know unfinished stories can be a real pain. That lack of closure is difficult for a reader; everything remains unresolved, always waiting for the next update. That's the nature of fanfiction, published serially, like old pulp magazines.

Oh, I feel like I should also tell you that I've only ever reviewed your stories. They're the only ones that made me feel like they were just so awesome and I had to tell you that I thought so.

And I really, truly appreciate that you've reviewed! That said, maybe spread the love a little the next time you read something you like. I'm not the only person looking for a little support.

Please continue. This is really my favorite fanfic of all time. Or at least one of them.

I'd be more than happy being just one of them.

I feel like I may have a few questions, but not at the moment because I forgot. OK I'm off to re-read That Terrifying Momentum. Hopefully, by the time I'm done and back to this chapter, there'll be more!

If any of those questions come back to you, I always enjoy answering them.
Monday 11th February 2013 07:40
Vis Insita
I am so glad that you are continuing this work of art. I'm already going through withdrawl and I just finished the last chapter of Vis Incita and can't wait for more.
Wednesday 13th February 2013 13:35Vis Insita (Author Response)
Hey, thanks. The next chapter is still in progress, but I am working on it.
Monday 28th January 2013 23:59
Vis Insita
On my phone, so short!

Nice job paraphrasing Rowling, while adding some new characters and events. Also, it's nice to read a story that follows grammar and spelling conventions.
Saturday 2nd February 2013 00:07Vis Insita (Author Response)
I try to avoid paraphrasing, which is why most scenes that correlate directly with the books are written from a different POV. There are some parts that are more paraphrased than others, though. I believe at this point there are three lines taken verbatim from Rowling, which isn't too bad for over 300,000 words.

My grammar and spelling owes a great deal to Sherry, the fine webmjstress of Pheonxisong and editor of this story.
Thursday 24th January 2013 14:00
Vis Insita
Nice job, Caleb.

I am very glad you are continuing this story as it is one of my favorites of all time. I have read, and reviewed many fanfics over the years, and yours stands up to the best of them. (And no comments about my taste in fanfics, as I think I have very good taste.)

I don't know if this as been asked before, but have you thought about writing books based on Scott and his adventures? I think they would be very popular. I know I would read them.

Anyway, keep up the good work, and I look forward to the rest of the story.

Tuesday 29th January 2013 23:48Vis Insita (Author Response)
I am very glad you are continuing this story as it is one of my favorites of all time. I have read, and reviewed many fanfics over the years, and yours stands up to the best of them. (And no comments about my taste in fanfics, as I think I have very good taste.)

I'd hardly be inclined to argue, seeing as you're reviewing my story.

I don't know if this as been asked before, but have you thought about writing books based on Scott and his adventures? I think they would be very popular. I know I would read them.

The biggest problem with that idea (and it's one I've given a lot of thought) is that Scott's 'adventures' require him to integrate with an already established universe. So, I'd more or less have to write an entirely different book for him to interfere with.

Also, I'm not very prolific. Never have been. Churning out a new fanfiction chapter every month or so is about typical for me.

Anyway, keep up the good work, and I look forward to the rest of the story.

Thank you, I appreciate that.
Monday 21st January 2013 14:48
Vis Insita
lol good job

now, since it was you who came up with that line, you shouldn't mind if I keep using it!

I liked the 'magic word' and the porn (who wouldn't...).

I was expecting Kreecher (or what's his name... that mad house elf) to make an appearance. Scott could probably cook a decent French onion soup, but after that wedding, I don't think he will
Wednesday 23rd January 2013 23:56Vis Insita (Author Response)
lol good job now, since it was you who came up with that line, you shouldn't mind if I keep using it!

I don't think anyone can really claim that phrase.

I was expecting Kreecher (or what's his name... that mad house elf) to make an appearance. Scott could probably cook a decent French onion soup, but after that wedding, I don't think he will

I don't know if he even likes that.